Nature's Artistry is Tuesday's Monsoon Tune (Monsoon Beauty Highlight ( 15th Jul. - 8th Aug. 23)

Monsoon Beauty Highlight 15th Jul. - 8th Aug. 23)

The marvels of the monsoon beauty's spotlight falls on the Hamadruas Lynx spider (Genus Hamadruas) , a skilled predator with keen senses and spiny appendages that dance through its habitat. The Ogre or Bog Orchid (Peristylus caranjensis), a terrestrial perennial plant, graces us from Pune, Maharashtra, . Our gaze then turns to things that flutter, the Yellow Geometer moth (Hyperythra lutea), a star of National Moth Week, from Raipur, Chhattisgarh, adds a touch of vibrancy to the monsoon canvas. While, an Emerald moth (Eucyclodes sanguilineata), also a National Moth Week Highligh, from Darjeeling, West Bengal, presents its adorned wings, a poetic reflection of the monsoon's artistic touch. These vignettes offer glimpses into the enchanting world where nature's beauty and scientific intrigue harmonize.

Plants : Orchids

Plants Kingdom - Vascular Plants - Flowering Plants - Monocots - Agaves, Orchids, Irises, and Allies - Orchids Family - Tribe Orchideae - Subtribe Orchidinae

A terrestrial, perennial, deciduous, sympodial herbs Ogre or Bog Orchid (Peristylus caranjensis) shared by Shiwalee Samant, from Pune, Maharashtra is an Orchid Odyssey Highlight.

The genus Peristylus is derived from the Greek words peri meaning 'around', and stylos 'column', referring to the arms on each side of the column. (Source : Wikipedia)

Observed by : @shiwalee

Location : Pune Division, Maharashtra, India

Observed on:6th August, 2023

Arachnid : Spiders

Animals - Arthropods - Chelicerates - Arachnids- Spiders - Typical Spiders - Entelegyne Spiders - Wolf Spiders & Allies - Lynx Spiders

This active hunting, keen eyed, spiny legged Hamadruas Lynx spider (Genus Hamadruas) is today's arachnid highlight.

Observed by : @anil_kumar_verma

Location : Thane, Maharashtra, India

Observed on: 5th August, 2023

Anil Kumar Verma is also on instagram

About Lynx Spiders

Lynx spiders are an Araneomorphae, which have fangs that face towards each other, increasing the orientations they can employ during prey capture. Most Lynx species make little use of webs, instead spending their lives as hunting spiders on plants. Many species frequent flowers in particular, ambushing pollinators, much as crab spiders do. They tend to tolerate members of their own species more than most spiders do, and at least one species has been identified as exhibiting social behaviour. (Source Wikipedia 1Source Wikipedia 2)

Insects : Moths

  • National Moth Week 9(NMW) Day 5 and 6 Highlights

Continuing our series of highlight from NMW 22nd to 30th July 2023

NMW Day 4. 25th July 2023

Animals - Arthropods - Hexapods - Insects - Winged & Once-winged Insects -Lepidoptera - Geometrid & Swallowtail Moths -Geometer Moths - Subfamily Ennominae - Hyperythra

A Yellow Geometer moth *(*Hyperythra lutea) is our National Moth Week Highlight shared by Tushar Agarwal from Raipur Chhattisgarh

Observed by : @tusharagarwal18

Location :

Lead Identifier : Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India

Observed on: 25th July 2023

NMW Day 5. 26th July 2023

Animals - Arthropods - Hexapods - Insects - Winged & Once-winged Insects -Lepidoptera - Geometrid & Swallowtail Moths -Geometer Moths - Emerald Moths -Tribe Nemoriini - Eucyclodes

This Emerald moth (Eucyclodes sanguilineata) with brown borders and white pattern National Moth Week Highlight shared by Bon Pradhan, from Darjeeling, West Bengal

Observed by @bonpradhan

Location : Darjeeling, West Bengal India

Observed on: 24th July, 2023

Notes :

*Emerald moths * (Sub Family Geometrinae) are a nominate subfamily of the geometer moth family (Geometridae) . These moths are often a light bluish green, leading to the common name of emerald moths, though a few species called thus are also found in the tribe Campaeini of the Ennominae.

Bon Pradhan is India's leading Moth observer on Inaturalist having contributed over 15000 records. He posts on Instagram here and shares many of his bugs, beetles and moths on his himalibugs channel as well.

Latest highlights from the event are documented on


with more complete details on Inaturalist Journals

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Posted on August 8, 2023 02:19 PM by ram_k ram_k


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