India's Nature - Monsoon Beauty 2023's Journal

Journal archives for September 2023

September 4, 2023

The Beetles (Episode 1): Rosalia lateritia

Star : Rosalia lateritia

Date 27th August 2023

Common Name English : Red longhorn beetle
Common Name Hindi (Kumaon) : Kharsu Kyir / खरसु क्यिर
  • Kharsu (खर्सु refers to the Brown Oak (Quercus semecarpifolia) which this beetles seems to inhabit. Kyir translates to Keeda or a generic word, in Hindi, for insect.

Beetle Image : Trilok Singh Rana on Inaturalist


  • This video has sound

**The Beetles - Rosalia**

Introduction to "The Beetles"

"John Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, and Paul McCartney are the most well-known Beatles. Their band was active from 1960 to 1970, but their music will be around for a long time.

The Coleoptera beetles are a colorful, diverse-looking, and diverse living group that have been around since the dawn of ...., well, very early, literally and figuratively. The oldest known beetle is Coleopsis, found in Germany, is from the earliest Permian (Asselian) geologic period, around 295 million years ago.

While the earliest clearly identified primate ancestors of Homo sapiens appeared a mere 22 million years ago. Our most specific species have only been around for 300,000 to 800,000 years, including the ancestors of the Beatles, as well as the specific and unscientific subspecies Homo sapiens beatlemaniacs.

So, through this series, The Beetles, under the aegis of the project Beetle Mania - India, we will share stories of some of these amazing beetles, who have predated and outlived the dinosaurs and much else, and could potentially also outlive Homo sapiens as well.

The Beetles (Episode 1) : Rosalia lateritia

Rosalia lateritia

a member of Typical Longhorn Beetles Subfamily **Cerambycinae**

Taxonomy, Description, & Behaviour,

The striking Rosalia lateritia beetle is a member the longhorn beetles family (Cerambycidae), also known as long-horned or longicorns (whose larvae are often referred to as roundheaded borers). The family has over 35,000 species described. While most species are characterized by extremely long antennae, which are often as long as or longer than the beetle's body. some members of the family, however, the antennae are quite short and such species can be difficult to distinguish from related beetle families such as the Chrysomelidae

The scientific name of this beetle family goes back to a figure from Greek mythology: after an argument with nymphs, the shepherd Cerambus was transformed into a large beetle with horns.

Other than the typical long antennal length, the most consistently distinctive feature of adults of this family is that the antennal sockets are located on low tubercles on the face; other beetles with long antennae lack these tubercles, and cerambycids with short antennae still possess them. They otherwise vary greatly in size, shape, sculpture, and coloration.

All known longhorn beetle larvae feed on plant tissue such as stems, trunks, or roots of both herbaceous and woody plants, often in injured or weak trees. A few species are serious pests. The larvae, called roundheaded borers, bore into wood, where they can cause extensive damage to either living trees or untreated lumber (or, occasionally, to wood in buildings; the old-house borer.

(Information collated from Wikpedia)

Animals - Arthropods
Beetles Order Coleoptera
Water, Rove, Scarab, Long-horned, Leaf, & Snout Beetles
Cucujiform Beetles
Longhorn Beetles & Allies
Longhorn Beetles
Typical Longhorn Beetles
Tribe Compsocerini
Genus Rosalia
Rosalia lateritia

Whats in a Name ?

The Genus name Rosalia is not specifically associated with an animal characteristic. It is a common female name of Italian origin, meaning "rose". The name of the genus was given in 1833 by French entomologist Jean Guillaume Audinet-Serville with no further explanation or the origins.

Etymology du genre Rosalia : woman's name

The species name lateritia is easier to understand. Lateritia is derived from the Latin word lateritia, which means "brick-red". It refers to the beetle's reddish-brown color, which is similar to the color of bricks.

The specific or species name is often used to describe a characteristic of the species, such as its color, size, or habitat. In this case, the specific name lateritia refers to the beetle's reddish-brown color.

Lateritia was suggested in 1831 by Fredric William Hope in this document "Synopsis of the new species of Nepaul Insects in the collection of Major General Hardwicke. Gray’s Zoologica Miscellanea 1: 21–32."
While, we are unable to access the original document to know his reasoning, from the colour of the Beetle itself it is quite clear what it could have been




  1. @ambytbflAmberley

Images in the Video :

Video Sources

  • Video : Rajendra Koranga
  • Location: Munsiari, Uttarakhand, India
  • 27th Aug. 2023
  • Related Inaturalist Observation by @rajkoranga Raj Koranga

  • 1.

  • Audio

    India's Nature Highlights

    India's Nature on instagram

    Inaturalist Journals - for detailed highlights , news, information and events

    India's Nature is also on Telegram

    For More information contact via :

    • Email : indias.nature01 at gmail dot com
    • Inaturalist Messaging : @ram_K
    Posted on September 4, 2023 03:43 PM by ram_k ram_k | 0 comments | Leave a comment

    September 6, 2023

    The Beetles (Episode 2): Torynorrhina

    Starring : Torynorrhina

    Date: 29th August 2023

    Beetle Image : Ramnarayan on Inaturalist

    Torrynorrhina Video

    • Click on the image below for a youtube link to a video with sound

    **The Beetles - Torrynorrhina**

    Introduction to "The Beetles"

    "John Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, and Paul McCartney are the most well-known Beatles. Their band was active from 1960 to 1970, but their music will be around for a long time.

    The Coleoptera beetles are a colorful, diverse-looking, and diverse living group that have been around since the dawn of ...., well, very early, literally and figuratively. The oldest known beetle is Coleopsis, found in Germany, is from the earliest Permian (Asselian) geologic period, around 295 million years ago.

    While the earliest clearly identified primate ancestors of Homo sapiens appeared a mere 22 million years ago. Our most specific species have only been around for 300,000 to 800,000 years, including the ancestors of the Beatles, as well as the specific and unscientific subspecies Homo sapiens beatlemaniacs.

    So, through this series, The Beetles, under the aegis of the project Beetle Mania - India, we will share stories of some of these amazing beetles, who have predated and outlived the dinosaurs and much else, and could potentially also outlive Homo sapiens as well.

    The Beetles - (Episode 2) : Torynorrhina

    Genus Torynorrhina

    a member of Goliath Beetles, Drone Beetles, and Allies **Tribe Goliathini**

    Taxonomy, Description, & Behaviour,

    The beautiful Torynorrhina Scarab beetle is a member of the flower chafer beetle group, found in tropical and subtropical regions. They are herbivores and their diet consists of fruit, flowers, and leaves. The larvae are grub-like and live in the soil, where they feed on decaying organic matter.

    Flower chafers are a group of scarab beetles, comprising the subfamily Cetoniinae. Many species are diurnal and visit flowers for pollen and nectar, or to browse on the petals. Some species also feed on fruit. The group is also called fruit and flower chafers, flower beetles and flower scarabs. There are around 4,000 species, many of them still undescribed. (Source : Wikipedia)

    The Torynorrhina beetles in the subtribe Coryphocerina are some of the most beautiful and colorful beetles in the world. The males of this subtribe have a large, triangular pronotum with horns, which they use for fighting.

    Animals - Arthropods
    Beetles Order Coleoptera
    Water, Rove, Scarab, Long-horned, Leaf, & Snout Beetles
    Scarabaeiform Beetles
    Scarabs, Stag Beetles & Allies
    Fruit and Flower Chafers
    Goliath Beetles, Drone Beetles, and Allies
    Subtribe Coryphocerina
    Genus Torynorrhina

    Whats in a Name ?

    The genus name Torynorrhina is derived from the Greek words "toryon", meaning "helmet", and "rhis", meaning "nose". This refers to the prominent snout-like projection on the head of these beetles.

    The snout is used for digging, and the beetles use it to burrow into the ground to lay their eggs.

    The beetle name Torynorrhina was suggested by John Gilber Arrow / Arrow, G. J. in (1907)is his publication Some new species and genera of lamellicorn Coleoptera from the Indian Empire (part 2). The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London 7(19):416-439. [Source -

    No explanation seems to have been given about the name itself.

    Slide show as a pdf

    All the content excepting the video segmemts are available in this pdf document



    1. @borisb Boris B
    2. @seenakarimbumkara Seena Karimbumkara (received via CC communications)

    Images in the Video :

    Video Sources


  • Audio

    India's Nature Highlights

    India's Nature on instagram

    Inaturalist Journals - for detailed highlights , news, information and events

    India's Nature is also on Telegram

    For More information contact via :

    • Email : indias.nature01 at gmail dot com
    • Inaturalist Messaging : @ram_K
    Posted on September 6, 2023 05:30 PM by ram_k ram_k | 0 comments | Leave a comment

    September 7, 2023

    India's Nature - Monsoon Beauty 2023 - List of Talks (Updated 7th Sept 2023)

    Table of Contents

    • 8th Sept. 2023 : Citizen Science and Open Data: A Case Report of India Biodiversity Portal
    • 2nd Sept 2023 : Amphibians of the Western Himalayas & application of bioacoustics in conservation
    • 19th Aug. 2023 :* Perceiving Plants: Ways to Look at a Living Landscape*
    • 13th Aug. 2023 : The Amazing World of Spiders
    • 30th July 2023 : The Basics of Orchid Identification, Natural History, and Conservation

    Friday, 8th Sep, 2023

    Citizen Science and Open Data: A Case Report of India Biodiversity Portal

    In his talk, Dr. Prabhakar, Member India Biodiversity Portal (IBP) will discuss the importance of citizen science and open data in India, the origins of IBP; and how it aggregates and serves citizen science data along with other resources like species information and maps. He will also share about IBP's continued evolution, and explore the way forward for citizen science in India.

    Event Details :

    • Date: Friday, 8th August, 2023
    • Time: 7:00 PM IST
    • Join on Zoom :
    • Registration : REQUIRED
      **(Note You can use this for webinar registrations. People who have registered will get get confirmation email and reminder a day before and one hour before the start of the event.)

    Saturday, 2nd Sep, 2023

    Amphibians of the Western Himalayas & application of bioacoustics in conservation

    Meet with Vishal Kumar Prasad, Research Scientist and Ph.D Scholar.
    In his talk, "Amphibians of the Western Himalayas & application of bioacoustics in conservation, Vishal will discuss his research on the amphibians of the Western Himalayas. He will highlight the importance of bioacoustics for understanding amphibian ecology and conservation, and he will present his findings on the use of bioacoustics to study social and reproductive communications in amphibians. "**

    Link to detailed event information

    Video Recording

    Will be uploaded soon and made available by link here.

    Saturday, 19th August, 2023

    Perceiving Plants: Ways to Look at a Living Landscape."

    Soham Kacker, plant ecologist, and research scholar at Ashoka University, will take us on a journey through the world of plants in his talk

    Link to detailed event information and video

    Video Recording

    The Video of "Perceiving Plants: Ways to Look at a Living Landscape" available on Youtube via this link

    Sunday, 13th August, 2023

    The Amazing World of Spiders

    Join us for an enthralling talk on "The Amazing World of Spiders" by Samuel John, Co-founder of Spiders and the Sea.

    In this talk we will explore some of the most intriguing and fascinating creatures on the planet. Spiders are found all over the world, in every type of habitat, and there are over 5000 known species. Spiders are also incredibly diverse, with a wide range of body shapes, sizes, and behaviours.

    By the end of this talk, we hope to have a deeper understanding of the natural history of spiders and the relationships that humans have shared with them through time.

    Link to detailed event information

    Video Recording

    Will be uploaded soon and made available by link here.

    Sunday, 30th July, 2023

    The Basics of Orchid Identification, Natural History, and Conservation

    Orchid Odyssey 2023: Dr Gopal Rawat shares the Basics of Orchid Identification, Natural History, and Conservation (Zoom Talk 30th July 23)

    Join us for an enlightening session on the basics of orchid identification, natural history, and conservation.

    Link to detailed event information

    Video Recording

    Will be uploaded soon and made available by link here.

    About India's Nature : Monsoon Beauty 2023

    Monsoon Beauty is an annual community science program that encourages people to observe and document biodiversity during the Indian monsoon season. The program offers opportunities to participate in biodiversity walks, learn from experts, and contribute to conservation efforts.

    Monsoon Beauty is organized by India's Nature - A Community Science Initiative - that aims to inspire community scientists, nature enthusiasts, and experienced naturalists, especially those from rural India. India's Nature focuses on mentoring and providing support for people from less privileged backgrounds.

    For More information about the Zoom talk, or India's Nature contact via

    Latest highlights & updates from the Monsoon Beauty are documented on :

    Posted on September 7, 2023 09:18 AM by ram_k ram_k | 0 comments | Leave a comment

    September 10, 2023

    India's Nature - Monsoon Beauty 2023 : One day .. left !

    Hello Friends,

    Today, Sunday, September 10th, marks the final opportunity to capture the enchanting beauty of the monsoon season in India at the Monsoon Beauty 2023 event!

    The final date to upload your observations is Wednesday September 13th. So don't miss your chance to participate!

    Beetle Mania art,folklore and local name submissions will be awaited till 18th Sept. 23. Visit Beetle Mania 2023 to know more

    For all the essential information about the event, including details about awards and certificate categories, please visit this link : About Monsoon Beauty 2023

    We're excited to see all of your amazing observations and insights.!

    Your participation is highly appreciated.

    Warm regards,

    The Monsoon Beauty 2023 Team


    Latest highlights & updates from the Monsoon Beauty are documented on :


    Inaturalist Journals


    For More information about Monsoon Beauty 23, or India's Nature contact via :

    We look forward to your participation in this celebration of the monsoon season and the beauty of nature!

    Best regards,

    Ramnarayan (@ramk)

    Event Logo


    Event Partners


    Posted on September 10, 2023 07:52 AM by ram_k ram_k | 0 comments | Leave a comment

    September 13, 2023

    Monsoon Beauty 2023: Observation Submission Deadline Extended to September 17, 2023

    Dear Monsoon Beauty Participants,

    We would like to inform you that we have extended the observation submission deadline to Sunday, September 17, 2023. This extension was made in response to requests from participants who have faced travel or exam-related challenges, and may require additional time to submit their observations.

    Please note that the final awards and certificates will still be distributed on September 25, 2023. The Monsoon Beauty 2023 observation period remains unchanged, spanning from July 15 to September 10, 2023.

    Beetle Mania art,folklore and local name submissions will be awaited till 18th Sept. 23. Visit Beetle Mania 2023 to know more

    For all the essential information about the event, including details about awards and certificate categories, please visit this link : About Monsoon Beauty 2023

    We greatly appreciate your support for the Monsoon Beauty project.

    Warm regards,

    The Monsoon Beauty 2023 Team


    Latest highlights & updates from the Monsoon Beauty are documented on :


    Inaturalist Journals


    For More information about Monsoon Beauty 23, or India's Nature contact via :

    We look forward to your participation in this celebration of the monsoon season and the beauty of nature!

    Best regards,

    Ramnarayan (@ram_k)

    Event Logo


    Event Partners


    Posted on September 13, 2023 09:47 AM by ram_k ram_k | 0 comments | Leave a comment

    September 24, 2023

    India's Monsoon Beauty 2023: Report Index

    Date 25th Sept 2023

    Table of Contents

  • Introduction to the Overview & Index
  • Posted on 25th September 2023

  • Results by Category, and list of awards & certificates
  • Posted on 25th September 2023

  • Detailed list of observers and top 100 identifiers
  • Pending

  • Beetle Mania 2023
  • Pending

  • Orchid Odyssey 2023
  • Pending

  • State & Union Territory wise information
  • Uploaded 26th September 2023

  • Interviews & Features
  • Rajendra Singh Koranga: A Citizen Scientist Making a Difference
  • Uploaded on 25th July, 2023

  • Online Talks
  • Talk 1 : The Basics of Orchid Identification, Natural History, and Conservation
  • Video Upload Pending

  • Talk 2 : The Amazing World of Spiders
  • Video Upload Pending

  • Talk 3 : Perceiving Plants: Ways to look at a Living Landscape !
  • Uploaded on 24th Aug. 23

  • Talk 4 : Amphibians of the Western Himalayas & application of bioacoustics in conservation
  • Pending

  • Talk 5: Citizen Science and Open Data: A Case Report of India Biodiversity Portal
  • Presentation Upload Pending

  • Survey on Citizen Science Platforms
  • Link to survey available

  • State & Union Territory wise information
  • Pending

  • Report on Select Biodiversity Groups (Taxa)
  • Pending

  • Awards : books, gifts, and e-certificates that have been sent
  • Pending

  • Related Events
  • Links are provided

  • Monsoon Beauty 23 - Updates and Highlights
  • India's Nature : Contact Information

  • Introduction to the Overview & Index

    From July 15th to September 10th, 2023, the 58-day Monsoon Beauty event unfolded, featuring biodiversity documentation, online talks, nature walks, interviews, and more activities sparking significant interest and insights.

    The success of this zero-funded endeavour was made possible by the enthusiastic efforts of numerous individuals and a few groups, all united by their passion for India's rich natural heritage.

    In summary, the event recorded 52,000 observations of 5,539 species, involving 149 observers (including 200 project members) and 1,147 identifiers. Additionally, the event featured 5 thought-provoking talks, numerous invigorating walks, a handful of insightful interviews, and numerous standout observations, all made possible with the support of volunteers and generous supporters.

    The data in these journals is a snapshot as it stood at 00:00 a.m. on September 18, 2023. While observations and identifications will continue to be made after the event, the list of participants and their contributions is considered finalized at this time and date, and serves as a historical record of the event's data at that moment in time.

    This journal serves as a comprehensive index for a series of special reports. These reports aim to spotlight the remarkable efforts of Citizen Scientists who dedicated their time and expertise, showcase the astounding diversity of species documented, highlight key geographic areas of interest, delve into engaging talks held, and explore various other facets of this event.

    Navigating this wealth of information as a single document would prove challenging, hence the division into distinct segments for clarity and ease of access and it will also allow us to give the respect due to the hard work of many people who made this event possible.

    Stay tuned for an in-depth exploration of India's Monsoon Beauty 2023 event while we populate the event report over the next few weeks.

    Again each index item the date of upload will be mentioned, if not that item is pending for upload

    Results by Category, and list of awards & certificates

    Date of upload : 25th Sept. 2023

    Detailed list of observers and top 100 identifiers

    Link Results by Category, and list of awards & certificates*

    • Upload : 25th September 2023

    Beetle Mania 2023

    3.1 Beetle Mania 2023 & Beetle Day

    • Focus Week :25th to 31st August 2023
    • Beetle Day : Sunday 27th August 2023

    3.2 Beetle Mania 23 - Report

    • Report is forthcoming

    Orchid Odyssey 2023

    • Report is forthcoming

    Flora Fern-tastic 2023

    • Report is forthcoming

    Interviews & Features

    Rajendra Singh Koranga: A Citizen Scientist Making a Difference

    Interview Link : Rajendra Singh Koranga: A Citizen Scientist Making a Difference

    • Posted on 25th July 2023

    Online Talks

    Talk 1 : The Basics of Orchid Identification, Natural History, and Conservation

    Talk 2 : The Amazing World of Spiders

    Talk 3 : Perceiving Plants: Ways to look at a Living Landscape !

    Link to the journal and Video

    • Video posted on August 24, 2023

    Talk 4 : Amphibians of the Western Himalayas & application of bioacoustics in conservation

    Citizen Science and Open Data: A Case Report of India Biodiversity Portal

    Background to the talk
    • No Video
    • Presentation to be uploaded

      Survey on Citizen Science Platforms

    The India Biodiversity Portal and India's Nature are inviting you to participate in a survey on citizen science platforms in India.

    Survey Report

    • Report will be uploaded on completion of the survey

      State & Union Territory wise information

    *Detailed Journal is available on this Link

    Report on Select Biodiversity Groups (Taxa)

    • Information on popular groups and groups with low or no observations
    • Report is forthcoming

      Observation Highlights

    • Report is forthcoming

      Awards : books, gifts, and e-certificates that have been sent

    • Choices of books and material requested and sent (to be uploaded)
    • Sample of the Certificates (to be uploaded)


    Related Events

    Delhi Public School , Raipur - India's Nature: Monsoon Beauty 2023

    Beetles & Nature - Ahmedabad (India's Nature Monsoon Beauty 2023)

    • 25th August to 10th September, 2023

    India's Nature Fellowship

    • Details of short supported assignments, and fellowships will be uploaded here

    India's Nature Team, Supporters and Volunteers

    • Details are forthcoming

    Monsoon Beauty 23 - Updates and Highlights

    Monsoon Beauty 2023 Highlights are documented on :

    India's Nature : Contact Information

    Posted on September 24, 2023 07:22 PM by ram_k ram_k | 0 comments | Leave a comment

    India's Nature - Monsoon Beauty 2023 - Awards

    Table of Contents

  • Conclusion - Part 1 : Short Note
  • About the data in this journal page
  • Funding and Support
  • Award Categories
  • Category 1. Most Observations - Overall
  • Category 2. Most Observations by Women Observers
  • Category 3. Beetle Mania 2023 - Most Observations
  • Category 4. Orchid Odyssey : Most Wild Orchid Observations
  • Category 5. Flora Fern-tastic 2023
  • Category 6. Most Observations - in any States or Union Territories that have less than 3000 observations
  • Category 7. Most Observations by a New Observer
  • Category 8 . Most Identifications - Overall
  • Other Award and Certificate Notes
  • Monsoon Beauty 23 - Updates and Highlights
  • India's Nature : Contact Information

  • Conclusion - Part 1 : Short Note

    Dear Friends,

    First, a big thank you to all the participants of India's Nature Monsoon Beauty 2023 . This is the third iteration of this event, and hopefully with your participation and support we can widen interest in and knowledge nature and India's bio-diversity with more talks, walks and observations.

    The 58 day observation event from, 15th July to 10th September 2023, had 149 Observers and 1147 identifiers.

    52741 observations were submitted by 149 observers from 2*9 states and union territories*.

    Uttarakhand, Kerala, West Bengal, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, were the top 5 state wise contributors. A full list of all the represented States and Union Territories will be uploaded in a related journal.

    The 1147 Identifiers **helped to identify **5539 species There are 16872 (32 %) research grade observations, while 35597 (67.5%) are at needs id, while there are quite amazingly only 298 (0.6% ) casual observations.

    About the data in this journal page

    The list of observers and identifiers and their individual contributions is a snapshot of the data as it stood at 00:00 a.m. on September 18, 2023. While observations and identifications will continue to be made after the event, the list of participants and their contributions is considered finalized at this time and date, and serves as a historical record of the event's data at that moment in time.

    Funding and Support

    India's Nature is a volunteer based citizen science initiative while Monsoon Beauty 2023 is a zero-funded event. Time resources are contributions from the participants and a few volunteers.

    The awards are sponsored by Uma and S Kalyanaraman.

    Some Short-term India's Nature fellowships have been supported by Dr Ghazala Shahbuddin, and Ramnarayan Kalyanaraman.

    Award Categories

    (For Individual Observers or Identifiers Only)

    Category 1. Most Observations - Overall

    The top 10 observers are ranked and listed below:

    S. No Observer Rank Observations Species
    1 @rajkoranga 1st 6063 460
    2 @nandansreejith-snowshark182-india 2nd 4067 284
    3 @bonpradhan 3rd 3038 399
    4 @ram_k Gold Certificate 2204 304
    5 @aniruddha_singhamahapatra Gold Certificate 1814 474
    6 @leopards Gold Certificate 1726 223
    7 @birderbaba Gold Certificate 1678 267
    8 @vivek_patel Gold Certificate 1604 415
    9 @mitvij Gold Certificate 1539 248
    10 @negi Gold Certificate 1341 213

    Award & Certificate Categories

    There were a total of 149 observers. Of this 70 individuals made 100 or more identifications.

    The following are the award and certificate categories

    • 1st place award One Natural History Book, and a choice of one poster or two pamphlets, 2nd and 3rd place award choice of a poster or pamphlets to be chosen from this list of books, pamphlets and posters
    • Gold Certificate: 17 Observers

    • Awarded to participants who posted 15 or more observations per day.

    • Silver Certificate: 26 Observers

      • Awarded to participants who posted from 5 to 15 observations per day.

    • Special Mention: 27 Observers

      • Awarded to participants who posted 100 or more observations during the event.

    • Category 2. Most Observations by Women Observers

      The top 11 women observers are ranked and listed below:

      S. No Observer Rank Observations Species
      1 @swatiudayraj 1st 1031 347
      2 @meenarupa_arjunan 2nd 958 420
      3 @mohua Joint 3rd 653 135
      4 @sagarika_chen Joint 3rd 602 194
      5 @maya318 Silver Certificate 527 142
      6 @poorna_sona Silver Certificate 436 70
      7 @ti_lamare Silver Certificate 330 119
      8 @vidswami Silver Certificate 329 99
      9 @surabhi_srivastava_gaur Special Mention 274 101
      10 @kanchanlodhiyal 2nd Place New Observer 225 36
      11 @lalita_pal Special Mention 177 54
      • Note: It is possible that some eligible women observers could not be counted due to a lack of relevant information on their public profiles. While we have made efforts to contact these participants to confirm the required information, it is possible that some may have been missed. As a result, this list may be updated at a later date to reflect additional information received.

      • Update 26th Sept. 2023:** - Based on addtional information received we have updated this list

      • Awards : 1st place Award - One Natural History Book, 2nd and 3rd place award a choice of a poster or pamphlets

      • Category 3. Beetle Mania 2023 - Most Observations

        Beetle Mania 2023 is a concurrent sub-event of Monsoon Beauty 2023

        A total of 107 observers contributed 3534 beetle observations during the event, and 168 identifiers **helped to identify an impressive total of **416 beetle species.

        Beetle Mania Top Observers

        S. No Observer Rank Observations Species
        1 @rajkoranga 1st 824 31
        2 @ram_k Organizer (Not eligible) 310 15
        2 @bonpradhan 2nd 194 13
        4 @leopards 3rd 167 18
        5 @negi Special Mention 154 8
        6 @drpadhiyar Special Mention 129 20
        7 @birderbaba Special Mention 127 14
        8 @debashischowdhury Special Mention 118 16
        9 @vivek_patel Special Mention 116 14
        10 @kunikimu Special Mention 106 28

        These contributions have helped to increase our understanding of the rich diversity of beetles found in India. We hope that this event has inspired people to learn more about these creatures and their important role in our ecosystems.

        • Awards : 1st place Award - One Natural History Book, 2nd and 3rd place award a choice of a poster or pamphlets

        • Awards from this list of books, pamphlets and posters*

        • Participation Certificates will be awarded to participants who posted 50 or more observations during the event.

        • Note : Detailed list is in Monsoon Beauty 23: Conclusion Part 3

          Beetle Mania Top Identifiers

          Beetle Mania 2023 - Identifiers

          S. No Observer Rank Identifications
          1 @borisb 1st 953
          2 @omkarsd 2nd 286
          3 @sdjbrown 3rd 213
          4 @debashischowdhury Special Mention 162
          5 @mpintar Special Mention 144
          6 @anubhav-agarwal Special Mention 70
          7 @fornax313 Special Mention 68
          8 @that_bug_guy Special Mention 66
          9 @nandansreejith-snowshark182-india Special Mention 64
          10 @tribolonotus_gracilis Special Mention 62
          • Award Certificates : will be awarded to participants who made 50 or more identifications during the event.
          • Note : Detailed list is in Monsoon Beauty 23: Conclusion Part 3

          Category 4. Orchid Odyssey : Most Wild Orchid Observations

          Orchid Odyssey 2023, a subset of Monsoon Beauty 2023, aimed to document India's diverse and beautiful orchid species. Nevertheless, the event encountered challenges due to the notoriously elusive nature of orchids, making them hard to find and identify.

          A total of 101 observations came from 27 observers, leading to the identification of 25 species by 28 identifiers. While the observation count may seem limited, it underscores the challenges associated with orchid discovery and identification, especially in India's diverse ecosystems, compounded by the lack of widely available popular information about wild orchids.

          Orchids are distributed across various habitats, often displaying strong habitat preferences, which results in their dense concentration in specific suitable environments.

          The enigmatic character of orchids adds to their allure and underscores the significance of conservation efforts aimed at protecting these aesthetically pleasing and ecologically vital plants.

          Orchid Odyssey 2023 marks the beginning of our exploration into India's orchid diversity, and we aspire to raise awareness about orchids and the imperative need to safeguard both these plants and their habitats.

          Below, we list the orchid observers and identifiers. Regrettably, we are currently unable to allocate resources for awards this event.

          Orchid Observations & Observers

          Sr. No Observer Observations Species
          1 @rajkoranga 28 5
          2 @morten 12 6
          3 @kamal_bisht 9 3
          4 @karnisar 8 0
          5 @ram_k 7 2
          6 @bala_singh 5 2

          Note : Detailed list is in Monsoon Beauty 23: Conclusion Part 3

          Orchid Identifiers

          Sr. No Observer Identifications
          1 @suresh_ghimire 27
          2 @ram_k 27
          3 @aditya_gadkari 6
          4 @cynthia_c 6
          5 @gaertnerneuwirth 5
          6 @gary325 5
          7 @siddarthmachado 4
          8 @debashischowdhury 4
          9 @muddytortoise 3
          10 @lanw_ 3

          Note : Detailed list is in Monsoon Beauty 23: Conclusion Part 3

          Category 5. Flora Fern-tastic 2023

          Flora Fern-tastic 2023: A Citizen Science Event to Celebrate Ferns

          During Flora Fern-tastic 2023, a concurrent sub-event of Monsoon Beauty 2023, a total of 425 fern observations were made by 45 observers, leading to the identification of 51 species by 36 identifiers.

          The number of observations may seem low, given that there are about 1,267 species of ferns in India (and over 12,000 species worldwide). However, there are a few reasons why there were so few observations during the event.

          First, ferns are often overlooked due to their lack of dramatic flowering or fruiting phases, their green cryptic nature works against them . They can be difficult to identify, especially for those who are not familiar with them. And importantly, there is a severe paucity of popular information on ferns in India.

          Despite these challenges, the Flora Fern-tastic 2023 event and subsequent events aim to draw attention to this remarkable group of plants and encourage a closer examination of their ancient lineage. By documenting ferns through Citizen Science Biodiversity documentation, we hope to shed light on their ecological significance and raise awareness about their importance in our natural world.

          Wild Fern Observations & Observers

          List of observers who posted 10 or more observations

          S. No Observer Observations Species
          1 @rajkoranga (1st Place) 151 7
          2 @nandansreejith-snowshark182-india 42 5
          3 @ram_k 32 1
          4 @bonpradhan 14 0
          5 @swatiudayraj 14 6
          6 @kamal_bisht 13 1
          7 @aniruddha_singhamahapatra 12 4
          8 @navaneethsinigeorge 12 1
          9 @bala_singh 10 1
          10 @maya318 10 2
          11 @morten 10 3
          12 @negi 10 0

          Note : Detailed list is in Monsoon Beauty 23: Conclusion Part 4

          First Place Award : One Natural History Book)

          • Minimum 100 Observations

          Fern Identifiers

          Top 10 Fern Identifiers

          Sr. No Observer Identifications
          1 @barbaraparris 65
          2 @mwtreftig 36
          3 @debashischowdhury 15
          4 @suresh_ghimire 13
          5 @choess 11
          6 @mitvij 10

          Note : Detailed list is in Monsoon Beauty 23: Conclusion Part 4

        • Category 6. Most Observations - in any States or Union Territories that have less than 3000 observations
        • Category 6. Most Observations - in any States or Union Territories that have less than 3000 observations

          The following Union Territories and States of have less than 3000 observations on iNaturalist.

          That trend continues this year as well leaving this category bereft of any awardees indicating the need for very focused programmes to encourage biodiversity observations.

          State or Union Territory Observations Species Identifiers Observers Top Observer
          Manipur 147 84 14 1 @debashischowdhury (147 obs.)
          Ladakh 18 14 4 1 @vlavlam (18 obs.)
          Mizoram 0 0 0 0
          Nagaland 0 0 0 0
          Punjab 0 0 0 0
          Tripura 0 0 0 0
          Chandigarh 0 0 0 0
          Daman and Diu 0 0 0 0
          Dadra and Nagar Haveli 0 0 0 0
          Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0

          A detailed list of the current number of observations in these Union Territories and States in provided inin Monsoon Beauty 23: Conclusion - Part 5 - States and Union Territories*

          (Award One Natural History Book)

          • Minimum 100 Observations

          Category 7. Most Observations by a New Observer

          Engaging new users is an important aspect of Monsoon Beauty. In total about 30 new users joined the project of which 15 posted observations.

          Rank User Observations Species Date of Joining Inaturalist Award
          1 @bala_singh 382 85 18 Jul 2023 1st
          2 @kanchanlodhiyal 225 37 16 Jul 2023 2nd
          3 @samartha-sg 156 72 16 Jul 2023 3rd
          4 @payal_rawat 106 53 05 Jul 2023 Special Mention
          5 @hreem_joshi 52 23 12 Sep 2023 Special Mention
          6 @botanistbypassion 45 32 07 Jun 2023
          7 @foram_bee 30 17 02 Jun 2023
          8 @rajubhai 11 6 12 Aug 2023
          9 @rparithi 7 0 30 Jun 2023
          10 @varuntaxa 4 1 09 Aug 2023
          11 @shutterbugad 3 1 27 Aug 2023
          12 @environt_culture 2 1 30 Aug 2023
          13 @ushakutty 2 1 07 Aug 2023
          14 @anshuman_yadav 1 1 23 Aug 2023
          15 @vishanath 1 1 23 Aug 2023
          • New User : Anyone who have joined iNaturalist after 1st June 2023 and has less than 200 observations at the start of the event.
          • Awards : 1st place Award - One Natural History Book, 2nd and 3rd place award a choice of a poster or pamphlet

          • Awards from this list of books, pamphlets and posters*

          • **Special Mention Certificates ** will be awarded to new observers who posted 50 or more observations during the event.

          • Category 8 . Most Identifications - Overall

            On behalf of the organizers of this biodiversity event, we would like to express our gratitude to all the identifiers, who have contributed to the success of this effort through their passionate and dedicated efforts to identify the diverse web of life. Without their help, this event would not have as enriching as it has been.

            The top identifiers during the event are mentioned below

   Identifier Identifications Rank
            1 @debashischowdhury 8688 1st
            2 @afsarnayakkan 4334 2nd
            3 @omkarsd 4334 3rd
            4 @tejasm_07 3945 Gold Certificate
            5 @mitvij 3525 Gold Certificate
            6 @ajaylives 2916 Gold Certificate
            7 @anilamanalil 2182 Gold Certificate
            8 @vivek_patel 1887 Gold Certificate
            9 @itsamantis 1812 Gold Certificate
            10 @nandansreejith-snowshark182-india 1008 Gold Certificate
            11 @borisb 966 Gold Certificate
            12 @karthik_83 911 Gold Certificate
            13 @abhinavnair 909 Gold Certificate

            There were a total of 1147 identifiers. Of this 64 individuals made 100 or more identifications. 13 are in the Gold Category, 21 are Silver Category and 30 are special mention identifiers.

            As a token of our gratitude, we are pleased to award the following certificates and prizes to the participants who have made exceptional contributions.

            • 1st Place - A book from this list
            • 2nd and 3rd Place - One poster on Birds or a choice of two pamphlets from the same list as above
            • Gold Certificate:

            • Awarded to participants who average 15 or more identifications per day.

            • Silver Certificate:

              • Awarded to participants who average 5 to 15 identifications per day.

            • Special Mention:

              • Awarded to participants who make 100 or more identifications during the event.

            • The 1st place awardee will receive a book, while the second and 3rd place will receive a choice of pamphlets or posters from the list provided here. Based on available resources special awards might be given to most beetle, orchid, and fern identifiers

            • Other Award and Certificate Notes

              Certificates of Participation or Special Mention to all qualifying observers

              • All participants contributing 100 observations and / or 100 identification (or as specified for individual categories) will be awarded an event participation / or special mention certificate (e-copy)

              Monsoon Beauty 23 - Updates and Highlights

              Monsoon Beauty 2023 Highlights are documented on :

              India's Nature : Contact Information

              Posted on September 24, 2023 09:22 PM by ram_k ram_k | 10 comments | Leave a comment

              September 26, 2023

              India's Nature - Monsoon Beauty 23 : State and Union Territory wise Biodiversity Documentation: An Overview

              Posted on 26th September 2023

              *India's Nature - Monsoon Beauty 23 : State and Union Territory wise Biodiversity Documentation: An


              In this journal post, we provide an overview of the state and union territory wise biodiversity documentation in India, during the Monsoon Beauty 23 event. We look at the leading regions, as well as those that have lower or no documentation. While we cannot fully explain the reasons behind the differences in the level of activity, we aim to present the available data. The list is ranked by most observations.

              We have also summarised the states with the most observations, species, identifiers, and observers

              We also highlight the top observers and their contributions in each region

              In Part 2 we highlight regions with low iNaturalist activity and the results from the event.

              The third part of this post includes a snapshot view of the current iNaturalist observations across all Indian States & Union Territories, along with a summary of the states with the most observations, species, identifiers, and observers. This provides a broad overview of the current state of biodiversity documentation in India on Inaturalist.

              Once again the list is ranked by most observations.

            • Introduction
            • Monsoon Beauty 23 : Contribution by States or Union Territories
            • India's Nature: Raising Awareness of Biodiversity in States and Union Territories with Low Documentation
            • Inaturalist - State & Union Territory wise Biodiversity Documentation in India: A Snapshot (26th September 2023)

            • Disclaimer: Biodiversity Data Accuracy
            • Monsoon Beauty 23 - Updates and Highlights
            • India's Nature : Contact Information

            • Monsoon Beauty 23 : Contribution by States or Union Territories

              Out of 36 Indian Administrative regions : 28 States and 8 Union Territories contributions were received from 29 regions while 8 regions posted 0 observations.

              Most Observations : Uttarakhand - 14679

              Most Observers : Karnataka & Uttarakhand - 28 each

              Most Species : Uttarakhand - 1877

              Most Identifiers : Uttarakhand - 505

              The top observers (and their respective observations) are mentioned along side each region

              The list below is ranked by number of observations, along with a mention of the top observer in each region:

              Rank State or Union Territory Observations Species Identifiers Observers Top Observer (Observations)
              1 Uttarakhand 14679 1877 505 28 @rajkoranga (6063)
              2 Kerala 7637 1148 329 18 @nandansreejith-snowshark182-india (4067)
              3 West Bengal 7184 1569 320 12 @bonpradhan (3028)
              4 Gujarat 6786 1197 401 16 @leopards (1726)
              5 Tamil Nadu 4520 1406 347 26 @meenarupa_arjunan (958)
              6 Karnataka 4014 1245 346 28 @kunikimu (1337)
              7 Telangana 1821 361 156 5 @mitvij (1539)
              8 Chhattisgarh 1487 561 160 7 @vivek_patel (1295)
              9 Maharashtra 1483 594 197 17 @quailboy (691)
              10 Himachal Pradesh 548 247 101 3 @nomadash (518)
              11 Odisha 438 273 77 4 @vivek_patel (310)
              12 Meghalaya 329 210 63 1 @ti_lamare (329)
              13 Madhya Pradesh 326 235 83 7 @samarth_jain (275)
              14 Arunachal Pradesh 317 199 54 2 @karnisar (315)
              15 Sikkim 170 95 28 2 @morten (134)
              16 Delhi (UT) 170 111 66 6 @neelakantankk (77 observations)
              17 Manipur 147 84 14 1 @debashischowdhury (147)
              18 Rajasthan 112 79 48 4 @rewritingpraveen (57)
              19 Andhra Pradesh 98 76 39 6 @botanistbypassion (45)
              20 Uttar Pradesh 85 42 26 3 @abhijatshakya (62)
              21 Goa 82 70 39 6 @vlavlam (45)
              22 Jammu and Kashmir 69 56 39 2 @vlavlam (41 observations)
              23 Haryana 57 49 27 6 @abhijatshakya (29)
              24 Jharkhand 29 24 11 3 @kartiksundar (25)
              25 Puducherry (UT) 21 15 20 2 @arijit_p (12 observations)
              26 Ladakh (UT) 18 14 4 1 @vlavlam (18 observations)
              27 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (UT) 5 5 4 1 @rahuldemello (5)
              28 Assam 3 3 4 2 @shutterbugad (2)
              29 Bihar 3 3 2 1 @mittal_g (3)
              30 Mizoram 0 0 0 0
              31 Nagaland 0 0 0 0
              32 Punjab 0 0 0 0
              33 Tripura 0 0 0 0
              34 Chandigarh (UT) 0 0 0 0
              35 Daman and Diu (UT*) 0 0 0 0
              36 Dadra and Nagar Haveli (UT*) 0 0 0 0
              37 Lakshadweep (UT) 0 0 0 0
              Sum Total (India)** 52638
              • Note*: for the sake of this data set **Dadra & Nagar Haveli, and Daman & Diu** are treated as separate entities
              • Note*: *due to some differences we cannot establish there is a minor difference between the sum total for India here (52678( and what shows up as the Event total on the Monsoon Beauty Page

              India's Nature: Raising Awareness of Biodiversity in States and Union Territories with Low Documentation

              In India, many states and union territories are under-represented in terms of biodiversity documentation. This is likely due to a variety of factors, including:

              • Lack of engagement with citizen science
              • Low levels of environmental education
              • Absence of active biodiversity, education, and conservation groups
              • Possibly a few other reasons which have not been described here
                India's Nature has been holding virtual events to engage more individuals and communities in these states and territories with poor results. In the future, India's Nature will also attempt more direct engagements with individuals, groups, and other appropriate community-based agencies.

              During the inaugural Monsoon Beauty event the threshold for such states was 3000 observations. This has been raised to 4500 and the current list of regions with low contributions figures (as on 24th Sept 2023) are shared below :

              State or Union Territory Observations as on 24th Sept. 2023 Species Observers
              Manipur 2070 947 145
              Ladakh 4312 697 260
              Mizoram 804 470 63
              Nagaland 2358 971 183
              Punjab 4086 992 432
              Tripura 882 511 82
              Chandigarh 1775 670 137
              Daman and Diu 134 95 28
              Dadra and Nagar Haveli 74 65 17
              Lakshadweep 1317 515 28

              Inaturalist - State & Union Territory wise Biodiversity Documentation in India: A Snapshot (26th September 2023)

              As on 26th Sept. 2023

              Most Observations : Keraka - 283083

              Most Observers : Karnataka - 5265

              Most Species : Tamil Nadu - 10468

              Most Identifiers : Maharashtra - 5862

              The table below shows a snapshot of the biodiversity documentation and citizen scientist participation from each State and Union Territory in India

              Clicking on the link should lead you to the exact current state.

              Rank State Observations Species Identifiers Observers
              1 Kerala 283083 8798 5727 4221
              2 Karnataka 262150 9917 5845 5265
              3 Maharashtra 247368 9723 5862 4719
              4 Tamil Nadu 216073 10468 5271 3553
              5 Uttarakhand 148445 7596 4121 1846
              6 Andhra Pradesh 125951 5971 3370 1898
              7 West Bengal 121354 8273 3958 1779
              8 Assam 87646 6299 3360 1542
              9 Telangana 63953 4183 2374 1471
              10 Gujarat 61765 4474 3285 2389
              11 Chhattisgarh 51455 4220 3064 842
              12 Rajasthan 33590 2566 2499 1566
              13 Madhya Pradesh 23815 2968 2230 1104
              14 Arunachal Pradesh 22176 4108 1724 480
              15 Himachal Pradesh 21137 3273 1849 892
              16 Goa 20790 3309 2060 1076
              17 Odisha 19287 3220 1795 707
              18 Sikkim 17630 3483 1280 468
              19 Uttar Pradesh 17144 2071 1890 1496
              20 Delhi (UT) 14894 1866 1546 1290
              21 Meghalaya 13351 3076 1262 329
              22 Jharkhand 9105 1909 1114 311
              23 Haryana 8793 1413 1374 725
              24 Puducherry (UT) 8552 1398 1023 264
              25 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (UT) 7919 1826 1090 297
              26 Bihar 6521 1514 1077 351
              27 Ladakh (UT) 4550 699 738 261
              28 Jammu and Kashmir (UT) 4484 1331 1010 461
              29 Punjab 4101 998 871 435
              30 Nagaland 2367 975 531 183
              31 Manipur 2072 948 531 146
              32 Chandigarh (UT) 1798 672 471 137
              33 Lakshadweep (UT) 1317 515 278 28
              34 Tripura 885 511 304 82
              35 Mizoram 804 470 289 63
              36 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu (UT)* 297 220 222 69
              Sum Total (India)** 1933319

              India (as per Inat Place Link) 1938097 30758 16062 29715

              Note* : On Inaturalist it seems a bit hard to collate **Dadra & Nagar Haveli, and Daman & Diu together so their links are shared below

              Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu Observations Species Identifiers Observers
              Daman and Diu (UT*) 208 143 135 49
              Dadra and Nagar Haveli (UT*) 89 77 87 20

              Note: There is a minor discrepancy between the total number of observations for India, when viewed as a whole, and the sum of observations for all of the individual States and Union Territories. This may be due to a number of factors, including differences in how the data is classified and counted. While we cannot pinpoint the exact reason for the difference, we have taken care to ensure that all observations are included in the data provided.

              Disclaimer: Biodiversity Data Accuracy

              This information is sourced from, and while every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, some errors may exist. Any errors are unintentional, and we apologize for any inconvenience they may cause.

              Monsoon Beauty 23 - Updates and Highlights

              Monsoon Beauty 2023 Highlights are documented on :

              India's Nature : Contact Information

              Posted on September 26, 2023 07:03 PM by ram_k ram_k | 0 comments | Leave a comment


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