

iSeahorse turns 10 !

seahorse photo by imogenisunderwater on iSeahorse

This week we are celebrating the tenth anniversary of iSeahorse, our invaluable community science tool dedicated to seahorse science and conservation. Community scientists, especially divers, have been instrumental in its success.

Project Seahorse initiated this groundbreaking solution to address significant data gaps in seahorse populations. Seahorses, iconic ocean species, present unique research challenges due to their distinctive biology and elusive behaviors, which are further complicated by the small community of seahorse scientists.

Dr. Sarah Foster, Program leader for ...more ↓

Posted on October 6, 2023 12:02 AM by projectseahorse projectseahorse | 0 comments | Leave a comment
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iSeahorse is a tool for seahorse science and conservation. Please upload your seahorse observations via this project page.

iSeahorse harnesses the power of community scientists — anyone, anywhere in the world who sees a seahorse in the wild — to improve our understanding of these mysterious and beautiful and animal and protect them from overfishing and other threats.

Anyone ...more ↓

projectseahorse created this project on May 6, 2013
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