Featured observation: Long-snouted Seahorse by melitab

Our latest featured observation has been contributed by melitab who was diving in the Adriatic Sea in Italy. Situated in the northeastern-most corner of the country, the coastal areas of Italy’s Fruili-Venezia Guilia region have long been the crossroads of western civilization, with ports having been utilized since pre-Roman times. Apparently in addition to being a boon for trade by humans, the area is also home to seahorses.

Melita took this great photo of the long-snout seahorse, Hippocampus guttulatus, on a dive back in March. Although the species inhabits the Mediterannean – one of the biggest diving attractions and most studied bodies of water in the world, we still know very little about how wild populations of the long-snouted seahorse are faring. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species lists this seahorse as Data Deficient.

Along with our partners, Project Seahorse is making it a priority to ensure we have enough information to perform proper conservation assessments of all seahorse species. We are currently in the test phase of a trends monitoring program that should allow us to understand the threats facing these creatures better. If you or anyone you know dives in a particular region regularly and is interesting in contributing to this endeavor please do let us know.

Thanks to Melita for her contribution to seahorse research and conservation!!

Posted on August 29, 2014 11:24 PM by projectseahorse projectseahorse


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