November 4th, 2020

November 4th, 2020 (Wednesday) 9:00-11:30 am: no newts today!
Weather was cool. AQI was good
Other roadkills: alligator lizard (with scat on top), a moth, and an unidentified insect.
Coverage: north part - the county park parking lot till the second stop sign.
Traffic: 18 trucks, 15 cars, 1 motorcycle, 4 bikes, 8 pedestrians, and 16 cars parked by the road and in the parking lots. Again, most of the trucks were County Roads trucks, driving past the quarry on their way to the road work site or back.
County roads are still repaving the road. Now they are working past the stop sign (to the south). It was very quiet today, there were almost no cars and bikes on the road. Very few cars were driving on the road, or parked along the road. I guess maybe people could just go fishing/ hiking somewhere else? Why not close the road then, in peak newt season, and only let in people who live there?
I met Steve and Matt from the Midpen population study on my way back. They were checking the pitfall traps. They said that the traps were opened yesterday.
The rowing club was open. All county park parking lots were open.

Posted on November 5, 2020 01:58 AM by merav merav


@merav, thanks for your weekly reports. Rain is predicted for tomorrow and late next week. Newt migration season is just around the corner.

Posted by truthseqr over 3 years ago

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