Taxonomic Swap 32832 (Committed on 2018-06-08)

Plants of the World Online (Citation)
Added by bouteloua on June 8, 2018 11:02 PM | Committed by bouteloua on June 8, 2018
replaced with


Probably based on

I would appreciate if such a taxon change could be staged rather than committed right away, and tagging some European botanists for feed-back before actually committing the change. The Euro+Med PlantBase, which is an up-to-date and widely accepted taxonomic backbone for the respective flora, lists it under Trientalis europaea:

Posted by jakob over 6 years ago

Hi @jakob, I did not think this warranted a response, but am responding because you also sent me a private message about this again this morning.

This swap seems like a no-brainer and doesn't appear to warrant additional input from other users prior to committing. All the iNat authorities ruling over Trientalis spp. in North America, where all 3 species are found, are calling these Lysimachia and have been treated as such on iNat since Jan 2017. In addition, Plants of the World Online, which iNat is likely to move to once more complete, calls them Lysimachia spp. Looks like Ken-ichi didn't also look at the genus worldwide when he did his swaps, so Trientalis and Trientalis europaea were still active until now. Did you reach out to Euro+Med so that they can update their website? They reference 2011 as the year for their citation. To my understanding it was sunk in 2009. Perhaps it didn't make it in before the last update?

ID 1: Lysimachia
ID 2: Trientalis europaea
Counts as a disagreement at the generic level and at the family level if Lysimachia were categorized within Myrsinaceae on iNat. Seems wrong, no?

Was there something else you wanted me to say or a question you wanted me to answer?

Posted by bouteloua over 6 years ago

This is basically a plea to be inclusive when it comes to changes affecting European / Palaearctic taxa (a follow-up to what has been discussed here Many thanks!

Posted by jakob over 6 years ago

Thanks, I already do that for taxa that are not clear cases, but this is not one of them.

Posted by bouteloua over 6 years ago

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