Recently described Catalinia from the Santa Ana Mountain area. One individual seen near the type locality.
The second well seen individual. Both were classically small Vaejovis.
Found in Pine Canyon, Big Bend NP in area of mixed conifer and oak.
Una de las pocas especies del género que habita dentro de cuevas y tiene adaptaciones troglomórficas.
Leiurus cf. qinquestriatus based on morphology, but too dark for that species. Have received suggestions that it may be an undescribed subspecies or even species, unfortunately was not collected.
Scorpions with two metasomae (tails) are extremely rare, with one estimate I saw as one in every 5,000 specimens. This specimen is approximately 3cm long head to stinger and is being maintained in captivity to study its behavior.
I found this using a black light flashlight with BJ Stacey (@finatic) at the Carrie Nation Trailhead parking lot at Madera Canyon, Arizona.
Read a detailed account of this specimen's discovery and observation updates at the journal post linked below:
This form was originally described as Centruroides pantheriensis. Adult male. It has been confused with C. sculpturatus but several characters ...and distance... separate the two.
Tiny brown scorpion under a log. Dark brown body, light brown legs, reddish pincers.