see last pics
not my own observation (got the consent of the observator to post it here) - as long as this family is not established in Europe (as far is i researched shortly) - am i completely wrong or...? The observator said it flew into his flat through the open window...
didn´t notice the spider in the field though, the flies distracted me...
Sehr ähnlich und leicht zu verwechseln mit Melilotus officinalis, jedoch eine Art der Feuchtlebensräume!
Flügel so lang oder kaum länger als das Schiffchen (bei M. officinalis deutlich länger); Fruchtknoten und Früchte schwach behaart (bei M. officinalis völlig kahl); reife Früchte undeutlich netzrunzelig (bei M. officinalis deutlich querrunzelig).
Für M. altissimus und M. officinalis gilt gleichermaßen: untere Nebenblätter oft mit 1-2 Zähnen, obere schmal-linealisch ohne Zähne; Fiederblättchen der unteren Stängelblätter meist deutlich breiter als die der oberen.
Letzte zwei Bilder: Blüten und junge Früchte im Vergleich von M. altissimus (links) und M. officinalis (rechts).
with male band-winged dragonlet as prey (Erythrodiplax umbrata)
My wife took this cell phone image of a female Efferia in our yard today. Likely not identifiable past genus level.
Common in April to see them together, was a morning with quite low temperatures
silken case:
Together with:
Honorable mentions:
(6) Medicago lupulina (not Trifolium but looks similar)
Not in the picture but only a few meters away:
[7] Trifolium ochroleucon (?!)
[8] Trifolium arvense
Growing in a newly reconstructed retention area with seemingly poor soil and low vegetation.
Also RIP: Bolboschoenus laticarpus
Was awesome to observe the strong color difference
Stadtwildnis Gaudenzdorfer Gürtel, Wien-Meidling, 3, T, H
Rather than the fly, I'm curious to know what it is covering the fly.
Hyperparasitoid wasp infecting pupae of braconid wasps which attacked Notodonta dromedarius. I don't know if Lysibia nana is possible.
Lots of fruiting bodies at various stages on one log
The little blue lights that glowing at night under Trametes fungis are from the larvae of the fungus mosquito Keroplatus testaceus. Fascinating animals!
picture by Grit Rasch. Thanks for the photo!
??? never seen that one before...
Made the same loud noise for several minutes at 11pm/23:00 - we could hear it inside the house (so it was fairly loud), and first spent a good few minutes searching for the source of the noise inside. (At one point I opened the front door to listen, but I guess it heard the door opening and stopped for a while - in the end when we determined it really came from outside, I opened the side door as quietly as possible, but only managed to record three repeats of the noise before the door made a sound, and the animal stopped) We live in the middle of the forest, with our nearest neighbors half a kilometer away; it's hard to say how far the animal was, but I'd guess 100-300m. If it was in the middle of the day (and a shorter duration), I might've written it off as someone walking a dog in the forest, but in the middle of the night in a dark forest? I have no idea what it was. A fox? Wolf? (Wolves have been spotted around here) Some kind of a bird? Any ideas?
Äänteli samalla tavalla kovaäänisesti monta minuuttia yhdentoista aikaan illalla - kuului sisälle asti (eli oli tosiaan melko kova ääni) ja etsittiin äänen lähdettä ensin useampi minuutti sisältä. (Jossain vaiheessa avasin etuoven, mutta eläin taisi kuulla sen, ja lopettaa hetkeksi - kun lopulta tajuttiin että ääni tosiaan tuli ulkoa, avasin mahdollisimman hiljaa sivuoven, mutta onnistuin nauhoittamaan vain kolme äännähdystä, ennenkuin ovi päästi äänen, ja eläin hiljeni lopullisesti) Asumme keskellä metsää, lähin naapuri puolen kilometrin päässä; hankala sanoa kuinka kaukana eläin oli, mutta jos pitäisi arvata, niin 100-300m. Jos olisi ollut päivällä (ja äännellyt lyhyemmän aikaa), olisin saattanut olettaa että joku vaan ulkoiluttaa koiraa metsässä, mutta keskellä yötä pimeässä metsässä? Ei mitään hajua mikä elukka olisi voinut olla. Kettu? Susi? (Susia on nähty täälläpäin) Jonkin sortin lintu? Ideoita?
A small, beautiful fly that was flapping its wings on a tree trunk. Quite distinctive looking, but I can't find anything that looks similar.
freshly moulted adult
this observation is for the larvae (?) feeding on (?) the Aphidoidea species
This is only the second of this species ever seen; it was previously known from a single teneral, poorly-preserved specimen reared in 1971, so its appearance wasn't even completely known.
I rediscovered this species in 2013; the last previous sighting was in 1971.
Please turn up volume if you can't hear it.