Photos / Sounds


Red-eared Slider (Trachemys scripta ssp. elegans)




June 2017


Texas, US (Google, OSM)


White Rock lake, under the metal bridge over the lower spillway steps
Funny Behavior series
Photo 1: I Like Big Beautiful Lady Turtles
I saw Mr. Personality again this morning and he was causing all kinds of trouble. First he tried to climb on a larger red-eared slider, female I believe.
Photo 2: What The Hell Do You Think You Are Doing?
As he was climbing, the female slider started to realize he was there. She did not look pleased.
Photo 3: Thats A Big Fat Nope
The slider wasn't having it plus Mr. Personality's weight was throwing her off balance.
Photo 4: That Look....Priceless
His weight ended up causing them both to go over the side of the rock into the water. The look on his face here just makes me laugh. She swam off and left the area. He swam around the rock and climbed up to try again with another large female.
Photo 5: Ms Cooter Says Oh Hell No!
With a look of determination, Mr. Personality started climbing on top of a large female river cooter. She didn't let him get any further than this, in the next second she dumped him in the water as she too slid out of sight. I missed that shot.
Photo 6: Ladies! Come Back!
Mr. Personality swam around a 3rd time. He climbed on the rock again, saw no more turtles and slid back in the water and disappeared from sight. The whole thing was hilarious.

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