Some of about 68 that roosted overnight on culms of Kangaroo Grass Themeda triandra. First observed at 6:20am on 1 February 2024.
Wasp or Masked Bee?
when you have a girl hold on and don't let go!
Lasioglossum Chilalictus calophyllae
Identified as Lasioglossum Chilalictus calophyllae on Bowerbird by Ken Walker: "Just beautiful pictures Dianne. The mesoscutum punctation is so clear and so diagnostic along with the full metasomal tergal tomentum bands. Cheers Kens"
I filmed them to, which was really fascinating but can’t see a way of putting it on the app yet if anyone knows let me know or if anyone wants me to send them an email of the video so happy to share , was so exciting to find these little guys here’s a link
igshid=s5t9ur9w7cch Or if that doesn’t work for instagram and look up @lilylangham and you’ll find it
Yellow and brown striped bee on Kunzea
Identified as Lasioglossum Chilalictus bicingulatum on Bowerbird by Bernhard Jacobi: "female"
The golden sheen makes me think Leioproctus. Some shots show extended moth parts well.
Lasioglossum asperithorax Bee
Identified as Lasioglossum Chilalictus asperithorax on Bowerbird by Ken Walker: "Notice the very dull mesoscutum (ie. thorax). The dullness is dull to very close and deep punctations. The mesoscutum of L. calophyllae has a shine and smoothness to it. Although we cannot see it in these images, the lateral margins of the propodeum will be laterally flanged as well."
Looks like Hyleoides concinna (wasp mimic bee). The blue color on the wing was caused by using flash.
For flower see:
Field Notes - Saw this insect (looks lime a bee but slightly smaller than the common honey bee) on my Jacobaea maritima (Dusty Miller). It looked like it was collecting the fuzz of the plant and keeping it under its belly. Black head, thorax and abdomen with faint white bands. Greyish fur around the face.
African Carder Bee
African carder bee
Afranthidium repetitum on Lavandula sp.
Identified as Afranthidium Immanthidium repetitum on Bowerbird by Roch Desmier de Chenon: "Great Luis. First time in West Melbourne. Not yet found here near the Royal Park. Congratulations and Happy New Year, Roch Desmier de Chenon"
Plant 2 m high; inflorescence 15 cm long; leaf 18 cm long.