Gordius? Not sure what the white glob is on (I assume) its tail end, but I saw it on several other individuals too the same day.
This is a grouping, but they occur singaly. The longest observed was over 8 inches long. They are about 1 mm in diameter. They travel in a serpentine manner. The head was observed to lift off the ground by about 1/4 inch. Habitat is a green belt. Previous days were warm and dry. Moisture started overnight. No similar activity on municipal streets. Note the lighter colored one.
Some kind of very skinny worm in the water…reminds
Of a tape worm…
@sambiology any ideas what this is. I think it’s a worm of some type.
I have a tarp on my lawn to solarize it and found this guy in a rain puddle trapped there.
One end branches in a Y shape so it appears to be male.
Really beautiful green/yellow iridescence.