Noticed on Monterey pine cone.
Super abundant in the area. Very large too. Super urban and lots of human activity in the area. They are munching on birch boletes.
Just chillin’ in the compost bin.:)
Abundant in the area. Noticed under pine and Sitka spruce trees mostly.
Very abundant alongside the trail.
Growing abundantly in the area. Steep hillside nearby. Lots of human activity. Lots of fog/mist.
UV: not reactive
Fruiting very abundantly alongside the trail. lots of human activity in the area. very damp loose soil. lots of duff also. steep hillside with lots of fog, mist, and humidity in the area. Mostly Monterey pine and sitka spruce growing in the area as well as alder, and some tan oak. A few silk tassel nearby also.
lots and lots fruiting in the area. probably around 30.
fishy smelling. very firm and dense. all ages of mushrooms in the area.
Noticed near pine trees.
Fruiting very abundantly under cypress trees. Many all along urban footpath.
Odor: sweet, almond, vanilla.
Texture: very soft. Younger ones firm, the cap of the bigger ones is more fragile around the edges.
Not sure what mussel this is.
Fruiting under alder, Sitka spruce, and fir mostly.
Super super abundant in the whole area. Very humid.