8 plants seen. Stems to 8", in early flower and bud, a few still unfurling. 10 min spent searching a 15m radius. on dripline of 18" DBH Quercus stellata and 10" DBH Carya texana. Oak leaves obscuring the ground, and very sparse herbs, but mulch not very deep, 1-3 inches. Plants growing on microerosion features, all on an isocline, all within 3m. Malbis soil, coarse, blackish sand at the surface. Other trees and shrubs: Ostrya, Vaccinium arboreum, Viburnum dentatum, V. rufidulum, Ilex decidua, Aesculus, Liquidambar, Nyssa sylvatica. Herbs: Sanicula, Listera australis, Carex albicans, Chasmanthium. Flowers smell of wet dog. 4 March 2024.
Found dead on La Jolla shores. Initial thought was a horned/eared grebe, but seems most likely to be an alcid?