Journal archives for June 2022

June 28, 2022

A SACON Sunday

Trip Report:
Stayed at Ramana's place in Kuniyamuthur on Saturday night (14May2022) and started early by 5:30 to SACON. Santhoshini, my friend, is a researcher under Prof.Dr.Jayapal, a well known name in Indian ornithological community. In a drizzling moody day, we birded around the campus in "Eucalyptus trail" and one other near the second gate among much of elephant and dhole spoor.

Nest of Crested Treeswift, its mother and father taking turns in incubating the egg.
Other Comments:

Posted on June 28, 2022 09:30 AM by amarbharathy amarbharathy | 11 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

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