August 9, 2017

Enjoying my time here in my home country Ecuador!

Staying here for about two weeks have been a blast. I did not expect so many observations and new species. Every single day, I have been getting observations. From an American Crocodile to a Pale-legged Hornero. To bad these days are coming to a close. Leaving tommorow afternoon back to my town West New York. But that would not stop me from my challenge. Getting at least one observation every single day. Wish I statyed here longer. Animals here have been facinating and incredible. I never thought I was going to get observations of animals I only could dream about. Well nature told me wrong. It is crazy what mother nature could hit you with. Well, I may start becoming less active in inaturalist, because of educational reasons, but I would try my best to keep posting and uploading observations.

Singing off, Amir A. Ludena

Posted on August 9, 2017 05:48 AM by amirludena amirludena | 94 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

July 16, 2017


I greatly have been loving inaturalist, since I have gotten it. Im very young in years but I love animals and biology. I wanted to post about this animal. Insect. The black and yellow mud dauber. These insects are really fascinating, I want to clarify if this is actually a yellow and black mud dauber. I just wanted to post this. Ill post later on in this week.

Posted on July 16, 2017 10:30 PM by amirludena amirludena | 1 observation | 0 comments | Leave a comment


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