Journal archives for June 2016

June 17, 2016

Trip to Virginia: May 28 to June 10

I headed east for an annual speleology research trip, and was determined to make some more above-ground observations this year than in the past. I was especially determined to see some new Dragonflies and Damselflies.

The trip started off less than inspiring, with flooding rains for the first 500 of 1250 miles, and rain at our forest campsite for the first week causing huge mud issues. But my work was in caves, so we really didn't care too much.

I kept an eye out for dragonflies during the first week or so, and only got a photos of a Common Whitetail. I did briefly see what I believe was a large Cruiser of some sort, patrolling a woodland road, but it flew away and never returned.

At the end of the trip, I had a couple days when I had some spare time, and I visited some local US Forest Service lakes and a large beaverdam complex in a fairly isolated headwaters stream. These sites were much more satisfying, and I saw many, many Odonates, only 50% or so of which I was able to photograph. One group that I never managed to photograph a single individual in were the Darners; I saw a number of them, but they refused to perch for me, and every time I scared one up in a meadow or along a trail, it didn't land again in sight.

The observations linked with this entry also include plants, flowers, herps, a few birds, a few fungi, and terrestrial snails. Sorting and ID'ing will still take me a few days, so it is not yet a complete set of observations for the trip.

Posted on June 17, 2016 04:02 AM by beschwar beschwar | 66 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

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