Joined Kingman & Heritage Island’s Living Classroom for a morning of honeysuckle removal.
As a non-native plant, honeysuckle does not add much value to the wildlife ecosystem. Vincent, a volunteer Island Keeper, explained that the flowers and leaves do not provide much nutrition for birds and insects (it is pretty much plant candy) so it essentially remains untouched. Because of this, it is able to spread without restraint and outcompetes native plants. I see honeysuckle bushes often, but have never given much thought beyond the cute flowers when they bloom. However, during the cleanup, I really grasped how detrimental invasive species can be to an environment. This was an overwhelming feeling, but by reminding myself of the common goal of all naturalists to heal our planet, the hard work involved, and the importance of teamwork I was able to remain focused.
Opening my eyes and appreciating the wildlife right outside my window now more than ever.