Reproductive strategies for tropical lizards
In the summer of 1969 I spent three months in Costa Rica on an OTS field course in "Advanced Population Biology". The principle course leaders were D. H. Janzen, G. H. Orians, and J. H. Vandermeer. The specific problem I worked on was suggested to me by one of my doctoral committee members, D. W, Tinkle. We spent time at six different sites, although my lizard collections were made at the following four:
Finca La Pacifica, Guanacaste Pr., 7km N. of Canas
Finca Tobaga, Guanacaste Pr., 40km S. of Canas
La Selva Biological Station, Heredia Pr.
Isla de Providencia, Colombis
Those were the days before digitized/GPS-coordinated photography. And, I regret now, I was not alone in lacking any photographic documentation. The collection was sent, however, to the U. of Michigan Zoology Museum for species verification. As noted in the species id posts, several nomenclatural changes have occurred since '69; e.g. two Ameivas went to Holcosus, one Cnemidophorus went to Aspidoscellis, and C. lemniscatus went to C. espeuti.
Although not definitive, I believe my data strongly support the hypotheses (e.g. smaller clutches of larger eggs) outlined in Tinkle,
Here's a Dropbox link to the 6-page field report, with data, for this project.: