January 6, 2024

Another Birding Time

In the crisp morning hours of the new year, I embarked on another exhilarating birding adventure, eager to explore the avian wonders that awaited. Having recently encountered the rare Accipiter soloensis during my last outing, I set out with a renewed sense of curiosity, determined to uncover more hidden treasures. Commencing at 5:50 am amidst the picturesque corn fields adjacent to the equestrian park SKHB IPB, my companions (@tikaindry @bi_alfani ) and I were initially captivated by the vibrant Psittacula alexandri, gracefully feasting on the scattered corn. Our quest continued to the nearby SDGs Lake IPB, where the landscape unfolded with diverse birdlife. The crowning moment came as we spotted the elusive Lanius tigrinus, marking a thrilling first-time encounter with this enchanting species. The sun had barely reached its zenith by the time our exploration concluded at 8:00 am.

Posted on January 6, 2024 04:39 AM by rasyidaffandi rasyidaffandi | 5 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

January 4, 2024

New Year, New Achievment

After taking a break from birdwatching for over a month, I'm decided to restart their activities at Lake SDGs at IPB Darmaga Campus. Despite the cool weather, the activity began at 5:40 a.m. and were excited to try out my Canon EOS 1100 D camera, which had been unused for the same period. The camera still performed well, reinvigorating my passion for nature photography. During the observation, I was pleasantly surprised to spot an eagle, which is Accipiter soloensis, which is typically active in hot weather, but at that morning, it chasing its prey in the cool morning. This provided a new understanding of eagle behavior and added to the excitement of the birdwatching experience. Meanwhile i can still recognize some bird's identification with visual and from their vocal.

Posted on January 4, 2024 06:20 AM by rasyidaffandi rasyidaffandi | 5 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

October 22, 2023

IPB Darmaga Academic Campus Bird Monitoring - Lecturer House Route

Sunny morning day, having a monthly birdwatching with @kpbhimakova in Lecturer House Route with several people joining the activity. Last year, we discovered a migrant bird (L. galgulus), which is a bird from Sumatra. Unfortunately, we can't discover that species again on this 23-24 degree Celsius day. This day we identified some common birds we have discovered in this Campus, such as P. aurigaster, D. trochileum, A. tiphia, O. sepium, etc.

Posted on October 22, 2023 01:49 AM by rasyidaffandi rasyidaffandi | 7 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

October 16, 2023

Lawu Birdwatching Competition Part II - Oct 13-15 2023

Unlike the casual birdwatching, this was a competition demanding precision, patience, and promptness. Adding to the thrill was the uncharted territory I found myself in. With the team of three, included @goldpecker , We ventured into this new landscape, where every chirp and flutter hinted at species of birds we had never encountered before.
This challenge was not just about competing to identify as many bird species as possible, but also about gaining invaluable lessons on biodiversity and the importance of conservation. Hours of exploration and keen observation later, We had catalogued several bird species previously unknown to us. The exhaustion was real, but it came with a profound sense of satisfaction, knowledge, and a deeper appreciation for nature's wonders.

We walked in 2 trails since 05.30 am until 03.00 pm. The temperate was about 20°C–22°C with light to moderate wind gusts and sunny. We discovered several species of birds that we had never encountered or even heard before in our previous birdwatching activities, such as E. indigo, H. longipennis, D. sanguinolentum, etc. But some of birds we already had encountered before, such as P. montanus, P. aurigaster, G. striata, etc.

Posted on October 16, 2023 02:24 AM by rasyidaffandi rasyidaffandi | 3 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment


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