Journal archives for February 2023

February 11, 2023

a community that keeps giving

The iNat community is special, I don't need to tell you all that, but I am. I am because I feel the need to say thank you and send out some warm vibes to all who make it so.

Today I received a sweet gift from a fellow iNat user (not naming them as I don't know if they would want to be named), who left me some stickers they made from favorite iNat observations of their own. I only know this user as we stumbled upon one another in the field and realized we were both avid iNatters. We've been following each other for a while now and help contribute to our individual ID's. This user has even shared some really cool observations they discovered in a place they know I frequent...and it was a species first for me. How wonderful that this user thought of me!

Another thing I truly enjoy is being able to virtually join the users I follow on their journeys of discovery. It's better than reading a travel article where you read about luxurious hotels and five star meals that cost a small fortune. The observations from my fellow iNatters are focussed on the simple beauty of nature and, for me, that's what it's all about.

Little gestures of friendship and help like this illustrate the special place we have here. Of course, I can go on and on about how being involved on iNat has sent me down a path I am loving in life right now. I won't take the time. To all of the users who've shared their knowledge, tips, time, and really cool stickers, THANK YOU.

Posted on February 11, 2023 02:33 AM by scubabruin scubabruin | 0 comments | Leave a comment


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