David Maddison

Joined: Jul 23, 2016 Last Active: Apr 26, 2024 iNaturalist

I'm a carabid systematist at Oregon State University who uses both morphological data and DNA sequence data to understand the diversity of carabids. My work ranges from revisionary works that document the species within a small group, to inferring the phylogeny of carabids as a whole. My primary group of focus is Bembidiini (the genus Bembidion and near relatives), but I also have projects in other members of the subfamily Trechinae, including among others Bembidarenini and Anillini. Within Bembidiini, I have projects on the phylogeny of the species of the group as a whole, but much of my time is spent on species discovery and delimitation, especially in North America.

bembidion is not following anyone.

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