
Joined: Jan 22, 2016 Last Active: May 8, 2016 iNaturalist

I’m a nature lover and living in harmony with the earth is pretty much the core of my belief system/s. I've fallen in love with the mountains of Western North Carolina thanks to the unbelievable hiking trails, streams and wildlife here. Seeing the sun rise and set through these mountains is breathtaking.

This is the first year we have a compost and raised beds in the yard with plans to grow our own food in the spring. I believe nature is God’s gift to us and it’s our job to be stewards to all the animals and their habitats. With monopolies all over the place threatening our natural world, the more we can do to eliminate the 'middle-man' between us and our food, fresh air and clean water, the better. I'm all for preservation of the places near my home and around the globe. I'm an active petition signer and always seek evidence I am making a difference. More and more of us are coming together and I believe things will change course and our natural places and wildlife can be saved from further destruction.

My academic goals are to gain knowledge and achieve a degree in environmental studies/sustainability and to find my niche in the field. I’m big on recycling and believe urban planning should work with and around all natural habitats and build ‘up’ and not ‘out.’ That said, it's time for manufacturers to be accountable for the materials and packaging they use for their products. I also believe solar and wind (and tidal) are and will be the way to a healthier future.

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