Tim Kirsten

Joined: Oct 3, 2019 Last Active: Jul 26, 2024 iNaturalist

I'm a recent graduate of the Plant Conservation Unit, University of Cape Town. I have a love for the biodiversity of South Africa, my home country. I've spent most of my time in the uniquely diverse Fynbos and Succulent Karoo biomes, a great place for a naturalist to grow up in. I've also been lucky enough to enjoy the many animals of southern Africa, in the savannas of Kruger National Park and drylands of Namibia. The landscapes of the Little Karoo are also special to me, as this is where my MSc project was based.

I am enjoying observing and learning about the biodiversity of my new home, the New England region in northeastern US. The habitats here are very different to what I've grown up exploring. but equally beautiful and rewarding.

I love wetland and vernal pool habitats. I spent much of 2020-2022 in Cape Town naturalising in my local wetland and have enjoyed contributing to https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/kirstenhof-wetland-monitoring. I've also led a BioBlitz around this wetland for the 2022 City Nature Challenge as well as for the Cape Bird Club in Jan 2023.

I hope to continue exploring the US and southern Africa (and beyond). It's been interesting to note the biophysical properties that differ across areas, but also how distinct ecosystems face similar challenges in terms of climate change, human pressures (e.g. invasives) and natural disturbances (fire, flooding, etc.).

I'm also a big fan of planting native plants in one's yard if possible, and hope to carry this from Cape Town to New England.

Articles I've written on native plant conservation and restoration in Cape Town: https://wandercapetown.com/local-knowledge/indigenous-plantlife/

Newspaper article I've been featured in, that wouldn't have happened without iNaturalist:
'Amateur botanist uncovers rare plant species' -

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