Will Richardson Curator

Joined: Apr 25, 2016 Last Active: Sep 13, 2024 iNaturalist

I'm the Executive Director of the Tahoe Institute for Natural Science (www.tinsweb.org), and while I'm interested in a broad range of natural history, I'm particularly interested in that of the Sierra Nevada, and especially the Tahoe area.

Among the taxa that I study are montane rabbits, so I'm eager to hear about any White-tailed Jackrabbit, Snowshoe Hare, or (mid- to high-elevation) Black-tailed Jackrabbit observations in the Sierra Nevada. More importantly, we are always looking for SPECIMENS of those species for genetic work - please contact me if you find roadkill or other specimens of Lepus in the Sierra!

I'm also especially interested in Tiger Beetles, Butterflies and Moths, and Odonates of the Sierra Nevada and western Great Basin, especially around the Tahoe region. And I do a lot of work with birds.

I've been thinking we need a resource to help sort out Sierra Nevada chipmunks since they're so problematic. Stay tuned for an online guide on the TINS site, maybe... Some are doable, but they seem to get harder and harder the more I look at photos, and Fare et al's 2016 paper took a lot of wind out of my sails: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311003879_Landscape_disturbance_and_sporadic_hybridization_complicate_field_identification_of_chipmunks_Chipmunk_Genetic_Identification

Also, each year TINS puts on a big year of some sort, and every few years there is a Tahoe Wildflower Big Year that uses iNaturalist as its data portal; we will be doing that again in 2025, so be sure to check that out if you're interested in participating! Here are links for the 2016, 2019, and 2022 project pages:

Thanks to Elias Pschernig, here's a fun look at my least-observed species: https://elias.pschernig.com/wildflower/leastobserved.html?user=twillrichardson

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