City Nature Challenge 2018

This is the first year that San Diego will be participating in this growing event. Only 3 years old, now more than 50 cities from all around the world are taking part. Help show how species-rich San Diego is by observing and uploading as much as possible during this event, April 27-30, 2018.

San Diego Natural History Museum is the sponsor for San Diego and they have already created a project that will collect all the observations. The link below has some great information about the event.

That same day there will be a bioblitz going on in Balboa Park and that will also collect the observations into both projects.

Posted on February 1, 2018 05:28 PM by finatic finatic


Lauren, so if we sign in and post our finds, even on the computer, during the time of April 27th through 30th, it will go to this challenge? If I get some kids involved to find insects, is that ok? It says any type of species.
Let me know. I'm interested in getting the kids involved. They bring me some amazing finds. Mostly dead before they pick them up. I try to get them to leave it where they find it, but often they forget.

Posted by iamscout about 6 years ago

Hi @ iamscout , Lauren isn't on this post (I think think is @lmarino), but I'll answer your question in cased she is now too busy to do so. Yes, insects are totally perfect to find and add. I'll be doing a lot of that myself over the next 4 days. Getting kids involved is awesome!

Posted by finatic about 6 years ago

Thanks for sending this along finatic.
Hi @iamscout,
finatic is totally correct!
It's wonderful you are sharing the City Nature Challenge word with kids. Any wild species is wonderful! Insects are actually an excellent way to up our observation numbers, so please encourage all the insect finds you can.

Thanks for the great questions. Yes, computer posts are just as valid as posts made with the app. Many people prefer to use their nice cameras and then upload to the computer--you get some really great shots that way.

Happy observing!

Posted by lmarino about 6 years ago

But what about plants, and is it all of San Diego County?
Thank you!
Flower Fields is a great way to find insects.
And I have my first Female Monarch Butterfly laying eggs today! And I got photos of her.

Posted by iamscout about 6 years ago

Yes, we want all wild plants and animals.

Glad to hear you got monarch photos--I bet they are awesome!

Posted by lmarino about 6 years ago

First female Monarch butterfly was busy laying eggs. Found 12 so far. She wasn't holding still for long.

Posted by iamscout about 6 years ago

I know I've bugged you about this, but just want to make sure. I've added all of my photos to my iNaturalist page. What do I have to do to have them also go toward the City Challenge?
I'm learning as fast as I can, but still new to this.
thank you

Posted by iamscout about 6 years ago

The way the project was set-up, it should automatically aggregate all observations made in San Diego County over the time frame of the City Nature Challenge, and it looks like it did.
I found you listed on the City Nature Challenge page with 33 observations and 18 species!

Thanks for taking part and never hesitate to reach out with questions. The dynamic nature of iNaturalist means there will always be changes and questions will always pop-up.


Posted by lmarino about 6 years ago

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