Edessa leucogramma reproduction

On November 12, 2018, I noticed a "Leucogramma Edessa" laying eggs near the entrance of the building where I live. This gave me the opportunity to follow the development of the offsprings.

The whole process, from the laying of the eggs, the development of the nymphs in the various instars, until they all left, took fourteen days.

Some observations were photographed using a "Currency Detecting Microscope 60X"* coupled to a cell phone.

To access the observations, "explore" filtering for the person's name "nelson_wisnik" and the
Description/tags "stinky_eggs". You are welcome.

  • This microscope was given to me by Renée Codsi @codsi , to whom I thank very much
Posted on February 5, 2019 09:20 PM by nelson_wisnik nelson_wisnik


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