Pacific Newt Roadkill: 207 found dead today; >3000 cumulative total

February 9, 2019 (Saturday)
I found 199 fresh Pacific Newt carcasses on Alma Bridge Rd. and 8 partially decomposed ones, which I compared to previous days to ensure no duplicates were added to the project.


Coverage: (~100%) St. Joseph’s Hill OSP to Aldercroft Heights Rd.

Rainfall: It rained heavily all night, but stopped in the early morning. There's been 0.94 inches of rain since I was last at Lexington. There was sunshine for part of the 4 hours I did the roadkill count, otherwise it was cloudy, but not raining.

Traffic: Again there was a steady stream of cars coming and going from the Los Gatos Rowing Club. Boats were on the reservoir before sunup (i.e., at 6:50 am). People drive fast on this road - I’m guessing an average of 40 mph on this 25 mph road (15 mph posted for curves). Traffic south of the Rowing Club was very light – only about 10 vehicles. There were a few runners and a few bicyclists. All roadside parking between the Rowing Club and St. Joseph’s Hill OSP were filled when I left at 11am.

Posted on February 10, 2019 02:39 AM by truthseqr truthseqr


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