Guadalupe Delta CBC 2019-12-19

On Thursday I was fortunate to be able to again participate in the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Womack Ranch near McFadden, TX. Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me up and down a section of the Guadalupe River in a small boat. I bird from the boat and we make many stops where I hop out, walk a little ways into the riparian woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to see what songbirds respond. One of the goals of this count is to find lingering neotropical migrant songbirds, and this year was one of my most successful years in that regard.

The morning was extremely cold and clear. Weather predictions were for temperatures in the middle 30s but it was 23 degrees when we started out on the river at about 7:30! The river had a thick layer of mist:

Mist on River

At one of our first stops a female Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was one of the only birds to fly in to the owl recording. Something seemed strange to me about it, and it wasn't until I looked at my photos a few days later that I realized it had a black crown. Females usually have a red crown, and my Sibley guide describes this black-crowned variation as "seen occasionally." It was a first for me.

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 1 - 2

I counted more Green Kingfishers than any previous year. We encountered at least 6. Here's a female that let us get close enough for a photo:

Green Kingfisher - 1

Lingering neotropical migrants are migratory songbirds that usually spend the winter south of the United States, but that can be found in small numbers in south Texas. Through the morning we found a few Black-and-white Warblers and Wilson's Warblers. Just before lunch I heard the "zeet" call and briefly saw an Indigo Bunting. The afternoon was slow until about 3 PM at our very last stop before we had to turn around. I had the best mixed-species foraging flock of the day which included a male Northern Parula , a male Black-and-white Warbler, and a male Black-throated Green Warbler. There were also expected winter resident Yellow-rumped Warblers, Orange-crowned Warblers, and Pine Warblers. Six warbler species in one flock! In Texas in the winter! The parula was the least expected species, and I was happy to get a pretty good photo of it:

Northern Parula - 1 - 2

And here are the Black-and-white Warbler and the Black-throated Green Warbler:

Black-and-white Warbler - 1 - 2

Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 - 1

By middle afternoon the temperature was in the low 60s. There was little or no wind and it was an absolutely beautiful day to be on the river. This was my view most of the day:

View from the Boat - 3

And this short video shows what it was like to glide along:

View from the Boat - 2

Here's my complete eBird checklist.

And here are a few more photos on Flickr.

Below are most of the same photos as iNaturalist observations.

Posted on December 22, 2019 09:15 PM by mikaelb mikaelb


Photos / Sounds


Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)




December 2019


Texas, US (Google, OSM)


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

I think this is a second-year Bald Eagle that doesn't have its mature white head and white tail plumage yet.

Photos / Sounds


Western Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)




December 19, 2019 09:17 AM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

Photos / Sounds


Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon)




December 19, 2019 04:26 PM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

Photos / Sounds


Black-and-white Warbler (Mniotilta varia)




December 19, 2019 03:02 PM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

This species is one of the lingering neotropical migrants that this count is intended to find, species that usually winter further south than Texas.

At one of our last stops, the turn-around point on the river, I got the best mixed-species foraging flock of songbirds that responded to my screech-owl recording. It included Black-and-white Warbler, Northern Parula, and Black-throated Green Warbler.

Photos / Sounds


Black-throated Green Warbler (Setophaga virens)




December 19, 2019 03:08 PM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

This species is one of the lingering neotropical migrants that this count is intended to find, species that usually winter further south than Texas.

At one of our last stops, the turn-around point on the river, I got the best mixed-species foraging flock of songbirds that responded to my screech-owl recording. It included Black-and-white Warbler, Northern Parula, and Black-throated Green Warbler.

Photos / Sounds


Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea)




December 19, 2019 09:23 AM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

Photos / Sounds


Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas)




December 19, 2019 09:23 AM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

Photos / Sounds


Great Kiskadee (Pitangus sulphuratus)




December 19, 2019 09:44 AM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

Photos / Sounds


Green Kingfisher (Chloroceryle americana)




December 19, 2019 08:31 AM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

Photos / Sounds


Green Kingfisher (Chloroceryle americana)




December 19, 2019 03:37 PM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

Photos / Sounds


Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea)




December 19, 2019 11:53 AM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

This is a poor photo of a cool bird, a female Indigo Bunting. This species is usually further south than Texas during the winter. One reason this bird count exists is to find lingering neotropical migrants like this one, spending the winter further north than usual.

Photos / Sounds


Northern Parula (Setophaga americana)




December 19, 2019 03:01 PM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

This species is one of the lingering neotropical migrants that this count is intended to find, species that usually winter further south than Texas.

At one of our last stops, the turn-around point on the river, I got the best mixed-species foraging flock of songbirds that responded to my screech-owl recording. It included Black-and-white Warbler, Northern Parula, and Black-throated Green Warbler.

Photos / Sounds


Pine Warbler (Setophaga pinus)




December 19, 2019 11:34 AM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

Photos / Sounds


Red-bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus)




December 19, 2019 02:22 PM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

Photos / Sounds


Red-eared Slider (Trachemys scripta ssp. elegans)




December 19, 2019 11:50 AM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

Photos / Sounds


Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)




December 19, 2019 08:15 AM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

I'm used to seeing Black-crested Titmouse in Austin, so it's a treat to see this very similar species that looks and sounds just a little bit different.

Photos / Sounds


Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura)




December 19, 2019 10:38 AM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

Photos / Sounds


Wilson's Warbler (Cardellina pusilla)




December 19, 2019 08:38 AM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

This species is one of the lingering neotropical migrants that this count is intended to find, species that usually winter further south than Texas.

Photos / Sounds


Wilson's Warbler (Cardellina pusilla)




December 19, 2019 03:50 PM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

This species is one of the lingering neotropical migrants that this count is intended to find, species that usually winter further south than Texas.

Photos / Sounds


Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius)




December 19, 2019 07:57 AM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.

Photos / Sounds


Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius)




December 19, 2019 02:23 PM CST


Taken during the Guadalupe Delta Christmas Bird Count on the Guadalupe River along the Womack Ranch.

Every year the Womack Ranch generously has a staff member take me on a boat up and down the river. We make frequent stops where I hop out, walk into the woods, and play an Eastern Screech-Owl recording to attract songbirds. This year the day started out extremely cold, 23 degrees! But it was a clear day without much wind, and it warmed up to the mid 60s by mid-afternoon. It was beautiful and it was an amazing way to spend a day.


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