2022 Yearly Report

I am @alainc and I completed my third year on iNaturalist with records on 18.644 observations of 4.349 species identified thanks to 1.682 contributors. With such a data base, the account is active almost every day. The observation peak in Europe is from March till September, but the cooperative work continues all around the year. Research grade are given to 11.223 of my observations representing 2.784 species. For the year 2022 alone, my Year in Review data are 4.076 obs. (of which 51% research grade) and 1.843 species (of which 68% Plantae, 13% Insects and 11% Fungi). Thank you to all the people behind this great initiative and these records. You help me develop my knowledge and love for the biodiversity. We continue in 2023 with as always a focus on the French taxonomy and the Alpine species. Happy new year to all of you. Looking forward to the first January observations.

Posted on December 30, 2022 08:09 AM by alainc alainc


Photos / Sounds


European Cyclamen (Cyclamen purpurascens)




August 30, 2022 04:18 PM CEST


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