Three Down, Only One to Go

What will we do when the observation phase is over? Identifications, obviously. I hope you're having fun. shardintx is cleaning up in Robertson County with 331 observations of 204 species! That's the most observations by one individual so far. I'd say that it would be untouchable, but Dwight Bohlmeyer is hot on her heels with 326 observations of 314 species! That's the highest individual species total. Again, I'm highlighting the competitive nature, but even those who have only contributed one or two observations are helping tremendously7.

Just a quick look at some stats on day three:

Total 2,092 observations of 865 species by 93 observers
(for comparison, we had 2,812 of 822 by 139 for all four days last year)
Plants 413 spp (407 last year)
Fungi 25 spp (17)
Insects 220 spp (227)
Arachnids 28 spp (22)
Mollusks 10 spp (4)
Fishes 0 spp (5)
Amphibians 4 spp (8)
Reptiles 13 spp (23)
Birds 119 spp (92)
Mammals 9 spp (12)
Other animals 5 spp (5)

Brazos 1,235 observations of 675 species by 62 observers (I don't have last year's numbers)
Burleson 249 of 162 by 13
Grimes 45 of 33 by 6
Leon 129 of 95 by 10
Madison 137 of 109 by 8
Robertson 297 of 193 by 4

Maybe tomorrow is a day for filling in the gaps. I have lists of the birds and lepidoptera, in case anyone wants to go chasing. We're filling in some of my "bad misses" from last year. My chimney swifts were back in the cul-de-sac today, but I couldn't get a decent recording. We're still missing some obvious things, like monarch?! Maybe tomorrow will finally be a good day for butterflies.

Lists to follow.

Posted on May 1, 2023 03:24 AM by bruceneville bruceneville


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