Hello Comrades


I have changed my username. I find that this one humours me, so it's mine 'till further notice. Anywho, I've become obsessed with plants and bugs, so thats that. My journey now is to purge everything non native, non 'COPA native, from my yarden (yard+garden). Plants can't run away, unlike herps, so I figure I'll put my eggs in that basket. The bug stuff is serious fun, and the closest connection to the plants. Besides this, I don't have much else going on in terms of hobby. As an American teenager, it's either this or drugs, sex, and tiktok, and those don't happen to strike my fancy. I'm too noble and dignified to become debauched, and even if I weren't virtuous and lacked a fear of God, I still don't see myself becoming a torpid cur lapping up brackish water from potholes alongside its lot. Those kinds don't know the first thing about bugs, and that's the most abysmal thing of all. So while they tussle over chicken skin, I shoulder the burden of thousands, and do this on my own. Behold my sacrifice and labour, my shining altruism, my endevour. Watch as I alone repair the sins of man! Weep and let this effort move you, and never again forget the consequences of selfishness!

(this is rife with sarcasm and hyperbole, but nowadays I can't trust anyone to understand such, so this is your heads up)


Posted on May 30, 2023 07:27 PM by abstinence_enthusiast abstinence_enthusiast


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