Rare Encounters: An Indian Jungle Cat, First Record of Sap-Sucking Beetle, and an Exquisite Orchid on International Tiger Day 2023

Monsoon Beauty Highlights (15th to 29th July 2023)

On International Tiger Day 2023,a tiger wasn't seen but an elusive Indian Jungle Cat was observed. This was a rare find, as the Indian Jungle Cat is not often seen. Excitingly, there is a first record on iNaturalist for a sap-sucking beetle. Orchids are rare, so the observation of a creeping lady's-tresses or lesser rattlesnake plantain orchid from Uttarakhand was particularly exciting.

The observers were grateful for the opportunity to observe these amazing creatures and plants. They hope that others will join them in celebrating International Tiger Day and all of the amazing animals and plants that share our planet.

Mammals : Small Cats

##### Animals Kingdom Animalia - Chordates - Vertebrates - Mammals - Therians - Placental Mammals - Ungulates, Carnivorans, and Allies - Carnivorans - Felids - Small Cats

Venus Joshi, or Birder Baba as he likes to be called, shares an elusive Indian Jungle Cat (Felis chaus ssp. affinis) from Intvada, Gujarat

Observed by @birderbaba

Lead Identifiers : @michalsloviak

Location : Intvada, Gujarat India

Observed on: 28th July 2023

Birder Baba posts on Instagram here and also on a facebook channel

Insects : Beetle

Beetle Mania 2023

  • A first record on Inaturalist (worldwide)
Animals - Arthropods - Hexapods - Insects - Winged and Once-winged Insects -Beetles (Order Coleoptera)

A first record on inaturalist for a sap-feeding Cychramus antennatus beetle recorded by Bon Pradhan, one of India's leading inaturalisters, in Darjeeling, West Bengal

Observed by @bonpradhan

Lead Identifiers : @borisb & @fornax313

Location : Darjeeling, West Bengal India

Observed on: 27th July 2023

Bon Pradan posts on Instagram here and shares many of his bugs, beetles and moths on his himalibugs channel

Plants : Orchid

Orchid Odyssey 2023

Plants Kingdom - Vascular Plants - Flowering Plants - Monocots - Agaves, Orchids, Irises, and Allies - Orchids Family

A Lesser Rattlesnake Plantain Goodyera repens orchid from Munsiari Uttarakhand,

Location : Munsiari, Uttarakhand India

Observed on: 29th July 2023

If you like an observation do use the Star Icon and fave the observation

To recommend an observation to be highlighted contact @ram_k

India's Nature on instagram

Latest highlights from the event are documented on Instagram with more complete details on Inaturalist Journals

India's Nature is also on Telegram

Posted on July 29, 2023 05:51 PM by ram_k ram_k


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