17 Feb/17

I've been monitoring the Woodpecker hole I saw on the 13th., and there has been no change. I guess the bird was only exploring. The tree is pretty healthy looking (an aspen), so maybe there were no pickings.

Warming up this week - above 0 C for most of the week. I saw a hairy woodpecker across the street as I was opening some drains for puddles. Sounded like a robin. There was a lady beetle crawling up the bathroom window today. With the warmer weather and the longer daylengh they are going to start coming out of diapause, though there is still a lot of winter to go!

Posted on February 17, 2017 09:24 PM by mamestraconfigurata mamestraconfigurata


Photos / Sounds


Dryobates Woodpeckers (Genus Dryobates)


February 14, 2017 10:07 AM CST


Fairly fresh hole made either by Downy or Hairy woodpecker. Wood chips around tree trunk.


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