Moth Night
Mockingbird Nature Park
(1361 Onward Road, Midlothian, TX)
Friday, April 14
7:00 – 10:00 pm

As part of the city-nature citizen science challenge, we will be documenting some of the critters that live at Mockingbird Nature Park. Learn how to use the citizen science tool and app, iNaturalist. We will also have special moth lights set up to attract, photograph, and identify the moths in this park.

It’s easy, fun, and free!

Stay only as long as you would like and dress according to the weather. Bring a flashlight to use on the trail and a camera or smart phone to document what we find.

As usual, if it's raining the event will be canceled. But we're hoping for great weather!!

Posted on March 19, 2017 02:27 PM by cgritz cgritz


Woo hoo!!! :)

Posted by sambiology over 7 years ago

The city is currently installing restrooms at the park and hope they will be ready by Moth Night!!

Posted by cgritz about 7 years ago


Now, PLEASE let the weather cooperate with us -- chance of rain now, but I hope hope hope that changes.

Posted by sambiology about 7 years ago

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