User Names in iNaturalist

Data which reaches "Research Grade" in iNaturalist will be passed to iRecord in the NBN - UK's biological data verification process for inclusion of records in the NBN Species Atlas -

During the UK Data Verification process it is necessary for the reviewers to be able to assign names of the recorders to the records so that they can have some understanding of the expertise of the individual recorder associated with the record they are looking at.

On iNaturalist many recorders/observers use 'nicknames' as their User Name instead of using their real/actual names; this makes it very difficult if not impossible for UK record verifiers to be certain of some records and as a consequence some data is unable to be used.

If you want your records to be usable within the UK can you please consider changing your User Name in iNaturalist to the following format: "forename_ surname".

Many thanks for your help in this matter.

Posted on March 27, 2023 09:03 AM by steve_mcwilliam steve_mcwilliam


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