Journal archives for September 2020

September 26, 2020

September 25th, 2020

September 25th, 2020 (Friday) 8:50-10:40 am: no newts today!
This is my first day back on the road since August 14th, due to the wildfires, poor air quality, and preserve closure. Things looked pretty normal - some hikers, especially at the first county park parking lot, and the other trails. Not too many fishermen, and the rowing club was open but quiet.
The weather was perfect - a bit cold in the morning, nice in the sun.
Other roadkills - a few wasps, bees, grasshopper, and a moth, and some unidentified mammal.
Coverage: north part - the county park parking lot till the second stop sign.
Traffic: 3 trucks, 17 cars, 11 bikes, 7 pedestrians, and 29 cars parked by the road and in the parking lots.
The rowing club was open. All county park parking lots were open.

Posted on September 26, 2020 12:11 AM by merav merav | 0 comments | Leave a comment

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