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The Plants of the World Online site (https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn%3Alsid%3Aipni.org%3Anames%3A415571-1#synonyms) treats the North American plants as native species, while many of us believe that the rampant growths in wetlands are likely caused by hybrids with introduced genes from Eurasia. See also: Jakubowski, A. R., R. D. Jackson, & M. D. Casler. 2014. History of Reed Canarygrass in North America: Persistence of Natives among Invading Eurasian Populations. Crop Sci. 54: 210–219.
cited in https://michiganflora.net/record/2180
"Phalaris arundinacea (reed canary grass)". CABI. Retrieved 16 March 2020. citing, inter alia, Häfliger, Ernst; Scholz, Hildemar (1980). Grass weeds / 2, Weeds of the subfamilies 'Chloridoideae', 'Pooideae', 'Oryzoideae'. Documenta. Basel, Switzerland: CIBA-Geigy.
cited in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phalaris_arundinacea
Yea, there's some nuance that's lost in the POWO database for this. I think iNat ignores the POWO information and labels all of the American observations as introduced. See this flag: https://www.inaturalist.org/flags/555908
These varieties and forms are not biologically distinct and are simply cultivated forms.