Taxonomic Swap 133329 (Committed on 2023-10-30)

Phylogenetic analyses (Qu et al. 2006, Gebauer et al. 2006) provide some support for the recognition of the genus Pyrgilauda Bonaparte, 1850. Pere David’s Snowfinch Montifringilla davidiana now becomes Pyrgilauda davidiana; Rufous-necked Snowfinch Montifringilla ruficollis becomes Pyrgilauda ruficollis; Blanford’s Snowfinch Montifringilla blanfordi becomes Pyrgilauda blanfordi; and Afghan Snowfinch Montifringilla theresae becomes Pyrgilauda theresae; this treatment now aligns with Gill and Wright (2006, IOC v.1.0).

eBird/Clements Checklist v2023 (Citation)
Added by donalddavesne on October 31, 2023 12:13 AM | Committed by donalddavesne on October 30, 2023
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