Taxonomic Swap 115964 (Committed on 2022-10-24)

Added by abounabat on October 24, 2022 07:57 PM | Committed by abounabat on October 24, 2022
replaced with


The subspecies conica of tridentata was already not recognized by differented authors as it looks closer to lactea species. The paper of Trávníček et al., 2021 is convincing in using much more suitable genetic tools for species with rapid radiation than most of the precedent papers (using ITS, ...). It is therefore misleading to refer to this paper to give the species status for N. conica as they clearlely explained that they results conducetd to the subspecies status of Neotinea lactea ssp. conica. As Powo does refer to the original combination of N. conica by Bateman (2003) that followed its precedent combinatrion of N. tridentata ssp. conica in 1997, this 2021 more recent paper should conduct to correct again the combination with the new proposal.

Posted by chacled almost 2 years ago

Yes right, my text was ambiguous, I just corrected by adding "and waiting..."

Posted by abounabat over 1 year ago

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