Journal archives for March 2024

March 16, 2024

First Identifications of Leucanopsis biedala (Lepidoptera; Erebidae) on Inaturalist.

Leucanopsis biedala is a species first described by Schaus, 1941 ( with the type locality being the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina; however, no figure was provided in the description. The BOLDSystems website has images of pinned specimens of the species. The images provided by Maurício M. Zenker are dark and difficult to observe the color patterns, while the photo provided by Benoit Vincent in 2011 appears to be a misidentification and seems to belong to the species Leucanopsis mandus. Another specimen from Benoit Vincent from 2020 has better quality and appears to be correctly identified. The website has a photograph of a live specimen of the species with credits to Maria Isabel Weyermanns (, the specimen matches the description of the species and also the specimens from the BOLDSystems website, but there is no information on who identified this photograph.

The species is characterized by its yellow color; a dark brown stripe centered on the dorsal side of the thorax; two brown bands on the forewing, one curved on the costa and one straight on the anal margin; fringe with dark spots where the veins end.

Based on this information, a search was made on the Inaturalist website for photos of the species. Images of specimens identified at least in the subfamily Arctiinae in the region near its known distribution area were selected.

21 photographs of Leucanopsis biedala were found distributed in the Brazilian states of Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, and Bahia, as well as in the Argentine province of Misiones.

In addition to these locations found, the species was known for the Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro and Amazonas (Ferro, 2007). However, the species was not known for the province of Misiones, possibly being the first evidence of the species for the province and also for Argentina ( Thus, Leucanopsis biedala ceases to be endemic to Brazil.


Ferro, Viviane Gianluppi. Diversidade de mariposas Arctiidae (Lepidoptera) do cerrado. 2007. Tese (doutorado) - Curso de ecologia, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2007.

Posted on March 16, 2024 03:18 PM by regisrafael regisrafael | 1 comment | Leave a comment

March 17, 2024

Lepidoneiva erubescens: Taxonomy, Distribution and Behavior.

Lepidoneiva erubescens was first described by Butler, 1986 ( as Cosmossoma erubescens. Travassos, 1940 established the genus Lepidoneiva based on this species, which then became known as Lepidoneiva erubescens. Despite this, the species was often considered a subspecies of Cosmossoma teuthras and the genus Lepidoneiva was long ignored as a valid genus (Laguerre, 2022). Laguerre, 2022 reviewed the genus using modern systematic techniques such as barcoding and dissection of the reproductive system. It was concluded that several species were distantly grouped from the other Cosmossoma species and therefore could be considered as their own genus. Among the species in this group was the taxon Cosmossoma teuthras erubescens, Michel Laguerre then recognized the validity of the genus Lepidoneiva created by Lauro Travassos. Thus, Lepidoneiva erubescens was reinstated and recognized as a different species from the now renamed Lepidoneiva teuthras.

Both Butler, 1986 and Laguerre, 2022 separate Lepidoneiva erubescens and Lepidoneiva teuthras similarly: L. erubescens is a smaller species; the red stripe on the inner margin of the forewing extends to the anal angle; L. teuthras has red scales at the base of the wing that are absent in L. erubescens. In addition to these characteristics, I noted that the dorsal part of the thorax often has a brown stripe in L. erubescens, it was not clear whether due to shedding of red scales or if they are indeed short brown scales.

With this information, I conducted a search on the Inaturalist website looking for photographs of specimens of this species. The search was restricted to adult specimens identified at least in the subfamily Arctiinae in South American countries, excluding the Andean countries and the far north.

I found 198 observations corresponding to the species L. erubescens, bringing the total observations from 98 to 217. The specimens were found in the Brazilian states of Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Goiás, Bahia, Ceará, and also in the Federal District, in the Argentine provinces of Corrientes and Jujuy, and in the countries Paraguay and Bolivia. Observations were most frequent between October and March, with a peak in January.

In addition to the locations found in this study, other locations also had the species recorded. Laguerre, 2022 found the species in the Argentine province of Formosa and in Peru, while Ferro, 2007 recorded the species in the Brazilian states of Pará, Tocantins, and Maranhão.

L. erubescens exhibits clustering behavior, which was photographed for the first time by Kozue Kawakami ( and subsequently by Agnaldo Correa de Assis ( This behavior was also documented in writing by Rogerio Dias ( and the user agujaceratops ( The records occurred in October, December, and February, suggesting they do not occur on a specific date. The locations were also distinct, with the phenomenon occurring in Bolivia and the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro.


Ferro, Viviane Gianluppi. Diversidade de mariposas Arctiidae (Lepidoptera) do cerrado. 2007. Tese (doutorado) - Curso de ecologia, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2007.

Laguerre, M. 2022. Revision of the genus Lepidoneiva Travassos, 1940: ressurection of several species. Antenor 9 (4): 143-160.

Travassos, L. 1940. Lepidoneiva, novo gênero da família Euchromiidae (Lepidoptera). Revista de entomologia 11 (1-2): 477-487.

Posted on March 17, 2024 03:36 PM by regisrafael regisrafael | 1 comment | Leave a comment

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