
Joined: Feb 17, 2020 Last Active: Jul 26, 2024 iNaturalist

I love both nature and photography. I've taken photos of various critters and plants for a long time, but had no one to share them with. Now I'm here, sharing them with the world... For science! :)

I try not to post cultivated plants and raised animals. If I ever do, the box will be checked, and I'll mention it in the comments! (*Just a note - if I find a tree growing in the forest, I can't prove it wasn't planted by humans, so I'm assuming it wasn't - but there are apple trees and other such trees (even oaks and maples) growing in forests that possibly were planted b/c a lot of forests around urban and suburban areas used to be woodlots and farmland, and sometimes these trees end up in there.)

I am a gardener - birder - photographer - nature lover. I also love insects (except the biting kinds) and mushrooms.

Prior to 2022: All of my camera photos were taken in Eastern Time, regardless of where I was. My cellphone automatically adjusts for timezone.

I also post photos from friends and family, with permission. :)

Languages Spoken: English
Languages read & written: English & Spanish

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