Taxonomic Swap 101807 (Committed on 2021-11-23)

Ophrys battandieri is not an hybrid but a full species, endemic from N-Africa :
In order to keep the taxonomy consistency of the whole genus, it should be treated as a subspecies. While the name subfusca has been very controversial these last years and now interpreted distinctly, the only name available is under O. lutea s.l. :

Added by abounabat on November 23, 2021 10:28 PM | Committed by abounabat on November 23, 2021
replaced with


I think M. Errol Vella @abounabat is quite right. Ophrys battandieri is not an hybrid but a full species, endemic from N-Africa. The species had been known for a long time. It is necessary to consult the old works of the old botanists, it was never considered as hybrid.

Posted by karimhaddad over 2 years ago

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