July 01, 2020

Celebration of Biodiversity week in Northern Michigan!

Hi all, just wanted to give you an invite to our Celebration of Biodiversity-a week long BioBlitz, July 11th through July 17th. You get to choose any Little Traverse Conservancy land to explore. Our lands are located in Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Chippewa, Mackinac, and Emmet Counties here in northern MI. We're partnering with the UM BioStation as we've done in the past.

Find a list of our properties and how many species we have recorded for each here: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/life-on-little-traverse-conservancy-lands

We are asking participants to sign up here (to be eligible for a small prize for most species documented): https://landtrust.org/bioblitz/

Thanks for your time!


@jokurtz @koinpro @tkoffel @makielb @nathan20 @lincoln @rangersara @bvanderweide @birdtrekker @desertdutchman @jwalewski @patrick062011 @kfsaylor @graystev @cathymtp @wordenwood @ericafrales @wgibson @crzirbel @johnnycanuck @anna120 @benconnorbarrie @paulroose @elliotgreiner @palustris314 @svarner @adamschubel @skrentnyjeff @arrowroot622 @scheuchzeria @woodsyogi @steven307 @friendofnature2 @callofthewild @pdm @susanklimas @lianamay @ehabes @ken-potter @megachile @elliotgreiner @annvictory @ryruther @rayquazasaur @tkoffel @alexgraeff @darrenaspinall @ehicks1054 @billicbugslucas @chipperatl @aaroncarlson @wildlandblogger @bouteloua @sanguinaria33

Posted on July 01, 2020 08:54 PM by calloftheloon calloftheloon | 0 comments | Leave a comment

October 26, 2018

Land Conservancies, Pittsburgh, and iNaturalist Stickers!

We didn't snap any group photos, but a handful of us (@deadkennedy1 @nepacoker @shellytichy @jpgalvan @pat83715 @bozbabe @mpfaffko) enjoyed a very casual mixer during the Land Trust Alliance Rally in Pittsburgh. There were stickers. Good to meet you all and bet wishes in your explorations!

I also gave a presentation with @suzannesimpson and @jkester on iNaturalist and how land conservancies can get involved---it went well! Hopefully a few more were added to the network!

Too bad I didn't have much time at all to explore the wonderful nearby natural areas. Next time!

Thanks all!


Posted on October 26, 2018 09:10 PM by calloftheloon calloftheloon | 2 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

October 11, 2018

Pittsburg iNaturalist Mixer!

Absolutely last minute notice, but I've reserved a meeting space for the first Land Trust Alliance (LTA) Rally - iNaturalist mixer! A space has been reserved at August Henry's Burger Bar from 6-7:30 Friday night (12th) to grab dinner and a drink and talk iNaturalist shop.

Any iNaturalist fan is welcome to join us. I don't know how many people from the Land Conservancy world will be attending so any iNat users in driving distance of Pittsburg come and show your love for iNaturalist, discovery, and biodiversity!

@lepalot @birdizlife @pete_woods @nrpeters @mmwebb @ctracey @johnboback @dyeany2 @dnydick @fluffberger

Posted on October 11, 2018 03:49 PM by calloftheloon calloftheloon | 0 comments | Leave a comment

June 18, 2018

Northern Michigan BioBlitz and iNat gathering! - Little Traverse Conservancy

Hi all, just wanted to give an invite to our 3rd Annual BioBlitz on June 30th (all day/night starting around 7am).

Again we're partnering with the UM BioStation.

This year we'll be at our Andreae and Banwell Nature Preserve Complex. https://landtrust.org/agnes-s-andreae-nature-preserve/

Would love seeing you there, meeting fellow iNaters!

Contact me with any questions, thanks!


@jokurtz @koinpro @tkoffel @makielb @nathan20 @lincoln @rangersara @bvanderweide @birdtrekker @desertdutchman @rroutledge @jwalewski @patrick062011 @kfsaylor @graystev @cathymtp @wordenwood @ericafrales @wgibson @crzirbel @johnnycanuck @anna120 @benconnorbarrie @paulroose @elliotgreiner @palustris314 @svarner

Posted on June 18, 2018 04:00 PM by calloftheloon calloftheloon | 2 observations | 4 comments | Leave a comment

September 06, 2017

1000 species mark

Just a celebratory post to cheer the 1000 species that I have noted through iNat!

Learning who I share this world with







Posted on September 06, 2017 02:13 AM by calloftheloon calloftheloon | 5 comments | Leave a comment

June 23, 2017

BioBlitz in Northern Michigan - July 1st!

I want to invite you (and any friends/family/colleagues) to Little Traverse Conservancy's 2nd annual BioBlitz in Emmet County! It would be fun to join with others from the iNaturalist community at this event (Special call out to some people who've made observations in MI: @jokurtz @koinpro @tkoffel @makielb @nathan20 @lincoln @rangersara @bvanderweide @birdtrekker @desertdutchman @rroutledge @dmh @jwalewski @patrick062011 @kfsaylor @graystev @cathymtp @wordenwood @ericafrales @wgibson @crzirbel @johnnycanuck). I hope to see you there and please feel free to spread the word to all you think would be interested. We will be using iNaturalist to document observations and will hopefully introduce more folks to the iNat world. Our BioBlitz will take place Saturday, July 1st 6am-midnight at our Philip J. Braun Nature Preserve in Pellston, MI.

Map link: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Philip+J.+Braun+Nature+Preserve/@45.5479481,-84.824084,14.25z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x4d4a7c0ea634458f:0x163edcf458a29265!2sRobinson+Rd,+Pellston,+MI+49769!3b1!8m2!3d45.5516357!4d-84.8570795!3m4!1s0x0:0x98e7a46abd7f7125!8m2!3d45.5449517!4d-84.7942829?hl=en

Please feel free to contact me or Cacia Lesh (231-344-1002, cacia at landtrust.org) with any questions.

Happy Exploring!


Posted on June 23, 2017 03:16 PM by calloftheloon calloftheloon | 2 comments | Leave a comment

April 25, 2017

INaturalist Workshop in Northern Michigan

@lianamay @jokurtz @tkoffel @nathan20 @makielb @lincoln @codyhough @kfsaylor @jwalewski @desertdutchman @rroutledge

Last minute, but FYI if you know of anyone in the northern Michigan (Charlevoix) area that you think would be interested in iNaturalist, I am leading an iNaturalst workshop tomorrow (Wednesday, 26th) night (4-6) at the Charlevoix Hospital. You can direct them to https://landtrust.org/event/ecostewards-training-series-inaturalist/ or have them email me: derek at landtrust.org

Posted on April 25, 2017 11:09 PM by calloftheloon calloftheloon | 2 observations | 4 comments | Leave a comment

December 27, 2016

iNaturalist Presentation

Hi @kueda @kestrel @carrieseltzer @charlie @faerthen @loarie @sambiology and others!

I have the opportunity to give a presentation on iNaturalist at this years The Stewardship Network Conference (TSN is a collaborative community conservation organization in the Great Lakes and northeast). My primary goal is to introduce those unfamiliar with iNaturalist to the community and the tool and share how I have found iNaturalist helpful in engaging [my landtrust's] volunteers and citizen scientists. I am partnering with @lianamay who will be sharing how she has found iNaturalist helpful in her floristic inventory work.

I would like to share stories about iNaturalist - stories on how it has led to a better understanding of biodiversity, how it has helped inform conservation, or how it has inspired a conservation ethic. I have/am mining news stories and iNat journal posts (and am finding a lot on BioBlitzes, which is neat) but am wondering if you have presented on iNat and could direct me to some inspiring stories!

Thanks! ~Derek


Posted on December 27, 2016 05:01 PM by calloftheloon calloftheloon | 12 comments | Leave a comment

June 01, 2016

BioBlitz in Northern Michigan!

I want to invite you (and any friends/family/colleagues) to Little Traverse Conservancy's first ever BioBlitz! I would love support from the iNaturalist community, please spread the word to all you think would be interested. We will be using iNaturalist to document observations and will hopefully introduce more folks to the iNat world. Our BioBlitz will take place from 12:30 - midnight Friday and 7am to 6pm Saturday, June 10th and 11th at our Susan Creek Nature Preserve just north of Charlevoix. The preserve is located about 3 miles north of Charlevoix on US-31...easy to find!

The BioBlitz will include opportunities to tag along with an experienced naturalist/biologist who will demonstrate how to survey or identify an organism as well as opportunities for documenting your own observations. We are encouraging you to register for the forays with experienced naturalists on our website (http://landtrust.org/wordpress/event/bioblitz-2016/) or by calling our office (231-347-0991). Otherwise, you are welcome to stop by when you can to participate on your own.

Also, let us know if you would like to help out at our ID table. Please feel free to contact me or Cacia Lesh (231-344-1002, cacia at landtrust.org) with any questions.

Happy Exploring!


Special call out to all those who've made observations in our region: @marknenadov @creationhiker @dmh @theresaneal @leannewallisbiologist @codyhough @hartleyoutdooreducationcenter @lincoln @kfsaylor @mikerehling @nathan20 @jokurtz @bendingtree @bvanderweide @thewhimsywoods @ctkremer @pdatema @awebster @craigsherwood ...help us spread the word!

Posted on June 01, 2016 08:40 PM by calloftheloon calloftheloon | 2 observations | 6 comments | Leave a comment

February 23, 2016

Know Nature. Conserve Nature.

I like to ask, "how can we protect that which we don't know to exist?"

I work for a land conservancy, and yes, land can be protected without knowing all of its components. Over the last few decades the land trust movement has protected millions of acres and thus millions of creatures, but I contend that truly vigorous and effective conservation requires a thorough understanding of biodiversity in addition to protecting land.

Understanding biodiversity is knowing where species are located, their distributions, and the threats they face; and the tool to understanding biodiversity is the biological survey (in some manner or another). Think of the benefits of a survey:

- Provide a basis for making decisions
- Set priorities or targets
- Know what you have that is unique and/or rare
- A baseline for tracking future changes
- Can evaluate actions, intentional or unintentional ones
- Useful in describing and explaining a place
- and others...

The iNaturalist community is building the foundation to conservation through their observations, which increase our understanding of biodiversity. I am working on expanding the reach of iNaturalist by targeting private landowners with www.RateMyLand.com. The main premise is connecting landowners with naturalists who can help them identify creatures.

Would you like to be a Rate My Land consultant - it's free and there are no obligations to signing up, which is simply giving me your information so that I can put it up on the website (http://www.ratemyland.com/consultants). I am actively trying to build a long list of motivated amateur to professional consultants to network with landowners. Some iNat folks already have their info up on the site. I'd love to put yours up there too, contact me if interested to learn more.

If after checking out Rate My Land you find that you agree with the mission, keep in touch and encourage landowners that you know to consider having their land rated with a Rate My Land survey. If you own land, you can create a profile for your land on RML and you may want to consider hiring a consultant to complete a Rate My Land survey.

I would like assistance getting the word out, so I am tagging two folks, @charlie & @muir and encouraging you to comment and tag two others who you can ask if they would read my post and pass the tagging-of-two along. I appreciate your time; keep in touch. Thank you, - Derek

Posted on February 23, 2016 04:03 AM by calloftheloon calloftheloon | 4 observations | 5 comments | Leave a comment

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