Fifth iNat Anniversary - Come join me at Skyline Ridge OSP

Sunday August 13th is the fifth anniversary of my discovering iNaturalist! I am thinking that the proper way to celebrate is to go to a place that has a) opportunities for many taxa, b) good birding, c) trails I've not explored before, and d) a place I've not visited in the iNat era. I have found such a place! The Horseshoe Lake area and trails to the west and south from it at Skyline Ridge OSP.

I will start out at 9:00am from the parking lot off of gate SR 4, the north side with the trail head for Ipiwa and Sunny Jim trails. My plan is to explore Horseshoe Lake, possibly take the one-way Lambert Creek Trail. If we can park a car at the first Long Ridge OSP parking lot, we could go on to explore the Tree Farm Trail and the Chestnut Trail (which crosses the border into Long Ridge).

Anyway, this is mucho informal. RSVP here if you can make it, just so that I wait for you awhile if you are running late (I doubt my phone will work up there).


Posted on August 12, 2017 03:02 AM by gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon


Sounds like fun. I'd like to join you. Leslie

Posted by leslie_flint almost 7 years ago

YES! I was just preparing the full invitation list. It is unbelievable to me that I've not been to Skyline - at least not this section - since 2012!

Posted by gyrrlfalcon almost 7 years ago
Posted by gyrrlfalcon almost 7 years ago

@sea-kangaroo and @tomv - something went wrong with your addresses in the last post

Posted by gyrrlfalcon almost 7 years ago

I'll have to catch up with ya'll at 11:30 if you think you'll still be around Horseshoe Lake about that time or later.

Posted by catchang almost 7 years ago

Congrats! I'm probably not going to make it across the Bay that early this Sunday, but I hope you guys find all the things.

Posted by kueda almost 7 years ago

All the things! No problem! @catchang - let's hope somebody up there has coverage, because I can't guarantee our location...share your cell phone with me in a private message, OK?

Posted by gyrrlfalcon almost 7 years ago

Sorry, that's my regular volunteer day at CAS - hope you find some cool critters!

Posted by kschnei almost 7 years ago

Funny, I haven't ever been to that lake either! See you up there!

Posted by sea-kangaroo almost 7 years ago

Great! Sorry to miss you, Ken, though.

Posted by gyrrlfalcon almost 7 years ago

See you, @sea-kangaroo !

Posted by gyrrlfalcon almost 7 years ago

If I can manage to get up 2-3 hours earlier than I've been waking up from going to bed way too late :-( !

The Google map is a little more clear for that parking lot:

There's only one way to get in there, so once you turn in keep to right. And leave items out of sight--a docent got her car window smashed (on a weekday, but it happens).

Posted by moonlittrails almost 7 years ago

Dang. Unfortunately, I made plans to take Priya out and visit with my family in Lincoln tomorrow. I've never been to that area of San Mateo so I would likely have some new birds to find for my county list as well as iNatting a lot of new area. Another time hopefully. Congrats on five awesome years using iNaturalist. Here's to many more!

Posted by vermfly almost 7 years ago

Probably can't make it , but congratulations on 5 years!

Posted by dpom almost 7 years ago

We had a fabulous day! I think we added about forty species to Skyline Ridge OSP (using the "Places" guide here ). Present were Carol M, @sea-kangaroo , @robberfly , @tui , @catchang , @clem , @leslie_flint , @moonlittrails and me. Once folks have started uploading their entries, perhaps they could share their calendar day list link here? Mine is
The best way to celebrate my fifth-year anniversary on iNat! I may make this an annual thing, because it was so much fun!

Posted by gyrrlfalcon almost 7 years ago

Cat's postings:

Mostly random bits of odd things observed. Thanks JR for making a very fun day happen. I enjoyed catching up w folks and meeting new peeps.

Posted by catchang almost 7 years ago

I'm looking forward to my anniversary now. Next year will be 4 years on January 31st. Unfortunately it is a Wednesday. Lol.

Posted by vermfly almost 7 years ago

Dang! Wednesday @vermfly ? Well, perhaps owling? Heck, in the Central Valley there may even be mothing to be had in late January - lol!

Posted by gyrrlfalcon almost 7 years ago

Oh, anyone who didn't get it as a direct share, here's a link to the eBird list from the day -

Posted by gyrrlfalcon almost 7 years ago

Here are my observations:
What a blast! Great meeting everybody and looking forward to the next trip!

Posted by clem almost 7 years ago

Here's mine:
My good camera turned out to have not actually been charging its battery the previous night, so I was limited to my phone's camera and not going to win any NatGeo prizes, but added a bunch of new gall species to my personal list. Plus it was a gorgeous day and lots of fun hanging out with you all!

Posted by sea-kangaroo almost 7 years ago

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